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timbo: Masterpiece
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shingo: Nice and cyte voice!
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looker37: Damn. I gotta admit, I wasn't exactly attracted to Mipha before, but this video made her seem... beautiful. And that music was just perfect and the facial expressions... definitely a masterpiece.
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sargoth: @AdamKovic you could just save the file and use an online video converter to make it an MP4 file? or use a free converter program like Handbreak
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angusmolestor: @AdamKovic It's your browser's webm player, do you not have a seekbar? It's supposed to have one.
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Nipponsei: @ AdamKovic its your browser, iam using firefox with some addons and i can simply click the timeline bar no problem, the only thing is the video pauzes when i click the timeline so i have to click play to continue.
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sirpoo: It's the site, I can scroll webms anywhere but here. Maybe you can use a different browser and get some add-ons to make it work, but it ain't worth the hassle in my opinion. If it's a long webm like this one, just download it.
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KABABO: YO DUDE im useng video speed controller app on the chrome store you can contro the speed of the video and can jump 5 sec + ro - use it, it make you life ezyer
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cremia: Holy shit! we need more of this!
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Daneasaur: There is porn, and then there is this. This is art.
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adambomb1200: This is soooooo sexy
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hiphop402: she grew nipples lol
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Anonymous1: @AdamKovic Did you try right click on the video -> show controls?
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vgff84: @AdamKovic: I could never fast forward here for the longest time but all of a sudden, maybe within the past year? I forget. But I can now click to any part of the video and it plays fine.
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grandtheftauto: Fucking logout bug always ruined stuff whenever i need to add favorites for some great stuffs like this