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Tags 3D Animated Countess Paragon Sound Source_Filmmaker The_Firebrand noname55
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Rating Unrated


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6DarkRaven9: Disgusting! White men are AIDS riddled monkies. -1
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syko136: what color is the sky in your world?
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Anonymous1: @6DarkRaven9: kys nagger
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Anonymous2: @6DarkRaven9: disgusting nig*er, you are only good as a cotton picker
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cammelloilmito2: @syko136: blue
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Anonymous3: All of you faggots talking about dick colour LOl! better look at her expression while taking that load, quality animation
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maxtor: insecure plebs still fighting over tiny white/black human dick.

monster and demon dick is the master race.
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Anonymous4: @6DarkRaven9: You dumbasses beg for better education. I can do better here is some FREE education you racist fuck.
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genesis1st: @Anonymous: You can't reason with the majority of blacks out there. But the link you posted might be too much for him. So this is the only part he needs to read.

By race/ethnicity, African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos are disproportionately affected by HIV. In 2016:

African Americans represented 12% of the population, but accounted for 44% (17,528) of HIV diagnoses. African Americans have the highest rate of HIV diagnoses compared to other races and ethnicities.
Hispanics/Latinos represented 18% of the population but accounted for 25% (9,766) of HIV diagnoses.
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bobbs4: Yes good keep feeding the trolls.
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HotRettas: black is cock is better, it's nature
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Greywolf: @bobbs4: Just'em fight. This is how they get off. It's not about the action on screen, or even the color of the dick. It's the /attention/ that they give each other that gets them hard. I am convinced that it is the only way that they can, anymore.

Everyone that feeds the trolls on either side, tries to rationalize their trolly, racist nonsense with "facts", or tries to scream them down are just joining in on their co-dependent orgy.

And if a /single/ one of them tries to tell you otherwise, they are /lying/.
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Anonymous5: @maxtor: agreed
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Anonymous6: @HotRettas: @6DarkRaven9: your mother is a whore, that's nature
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Zeikfried: ...back in 2010 everyone would be laughing their asses off at how stupid all of you are to pick up that troll bait.

Little did we know, we were spawning an actual generation of cuck-tards that actually believed that racist drivel. We simultaneously created a generation of "beta cucks" and reignited the fire of support for full-blown racists. "Edgy" racism was supposed to be an insulator to keep out idiots who didn't understand everything that was a joke- who took things too seriously and wanted to prude up the Internet ala' Penny Bain. But that insulation was permeable to impressionable 12 year olds and Storm-Fronters looking for content they could point their chubby fingers at and cry 'white genocide.'

We fucked up. You guys are the result.
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Anonymous7: You're all retarded... aaaaand this is another repost
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Anonymous8: always glad to see proper discussion under my porn
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Zeikfried: Porn is a supposed to be place where no one judges you because we are all equally fucked up. At least that is how I remember the early days anonymous message boards. Today...

@Nighthawk - Chinese American here - The whole world is changing and it is changing fast. India, China, and Africa are unrecognizable compared to just 20 years ago across the urban areas. Blacks in America are starting to fall behind Africans because they are always stuck in this constant battle of identity and purpose within American society. And likewise, white America spends just as much time and effort devoted to the back and forth between civil rights. White supremacists spend as much time fighting the NAACP as the NAACP spends fighting white supremacists. China? There is the idea of 'harmony,' which is the amputation and systematic removal of "disruptions." Ethnic minorities are swept away as quickly as conservative rural farmers in the name of progress. That idea has been exported to Africa along with billions of Chinese Yuan and new friendship.

Make no mistake, Africans are racist against the Chinese and the Chinese are racist against the Africans, but it is not a vitriolic kinda racism, rather one of disdain and contempt. Even American ethnic slurs are becoming outdated as the sticks and mud huts disappear and new slurs come with new racial dynamics. It is a new era of cooperation and conflict.

The point is that we as Americans all stagnant. Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc Americans still tout the first [insert race] [blank]s and Conservatives are raging at the lost of [blank]. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is innovating and evolving. I imagine you are one of the people crying for the Trump monument wall, but Mexico and the rest of South America are slowing immigration via restructuring more effectively than any American policy. Drugs, cartels, and smugglers, Yes. But so are foreign investment and infrastructure projects.

Meanwhile, Iran is collaborating and forming new relationships with Europe. Russia is retaking Ukraine, Slovakia, Georgia and taking Syria and parts of Iraq on top of new relationships with the Saudis.

What are we Americans doing? We're sitting here jacking off as you spout five year old memes. We're cut out of the Paris accord, stripped of our role in Iran & Syria, our relationship Canada and Mexico is ruptured, our trade with China is ruined- We're America Alone. Unless we stop- no matter what you believe -stop this bullshit here on the Internet first in just a few more years we're all screwed.
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syko136: i'm sad now.
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mal_man: This is the day we'll all look back and remember, because we'll know the grassroots movement all started from watching animated porn.
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skrotty: @6DarkRaven9: Africa begs to differ