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bobjoeeee: vag version BibleThump
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Anonymous1: @bobjoeeee Fag.
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hatrix: seconding vaginal version because i'm not closet gay, unlike anon1.
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Phuckya: I've never understood that argument ^. I'm sure you'd take a blowjob, or a handjob without complaint, but guess what? Guys have those too, so using your logic... you are closet gay after all.
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hatrix: @Phuckya: only talking about guys who ONLY like anal.
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GetGRAYED: > Wanting to fuck a girl in the ass is gay.

Next level mental gymnastics.
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wendigo: Superb. Love it. Great job. Vaginal would be a plus tho.
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fumos: god you people are intolerable
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sokumotanaka: ^^^
Seriously both sides of you