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Tags 3D Animated Blood_Elf Source_Filmmaker World_of_Warcraft bombowykurczak
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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Anonymous1: Why is she so fat? Just curious honestly.
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: If thats fat, what the hell do you call thin? Just curious honestly.
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Anonymous3: If thats fat, then what the hell do you call thin? Just curious honestly.
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Anonymous4: Define fat? She looks perfectly healthy to me and in real life some women have a thicker mid section if you're talking about the legs.

If you've spent a little time actually looking at real women you'd notice not all of them look like twigs or whales.

Some curve out nicely, While others who work out or are trained in some form of combat develop muscles just like men.

What you're calling fat is actually muscle buildup in the legs. Just look at the midsection and you can tell she's in shape and some women naturally have a bigger mid section.
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Anonymous5: I have no clue why my comment got posted multiple times there
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Just a few images to help educate the first poster.

Just because they don't look like a bloodelf or a small child doesn't make them fat. What you're looking at is the figure/build of a real woman who works out.
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Anonymous7: Idk, she's still a little gross imo. Night elves aren't even that big anyway.
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Anonymous8: Obviously never seen the concept art from the artists who work for Blizzard.

This model pretty much represents the in game one with a few tweaks but overall the size is roughly the same. consider that these sfm artists get their characters from the original source 99% of the time and just rig/doll it up.

The gross part is ofcourse your personal opinion and you're welcome to it. However the model is in line with the in game one minus the few tweaks he made to make it his own personal OC.
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oYlihan: user image Her eyebrows remind me of gaepora gaebora.
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Anonymous9: You all are clearly G fanboys, a quick google search will show you that Blizzard's original model is no where near that size.
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Anonymous10: Typical fanboy insult the moment you have nothing more of value to add to the conversation. Maybe check your eyes and actually pay attention to the overall size of the female nightelf.

Original updated model concept art by the people who make them.

Maybe open your eyes and take another look because you clearly didn't the first time.

Done either way as you've proven you're incapable of the simplest of thought.
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Anonymous11: "Night elves aren't even that big anyway." Night Elf female model is 7ft tall and not waif thin...
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Anonymous12: i know it's old but ...
r34 hentai! come for the porn, stay for lifestyle commentary
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Anonymous14: that blood elf got a T H I C C foot