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Anonymous1: Nice. If this had a BBC version then it would be perfect :)
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aryan826: nice. dont liek how people keep the neck collar stuff on sometimes though.
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Anonymous2: @Anon1: +1 a white version shouldn't even exist as there are only black immigrant guys in Sweden.
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Anonymous3: Nice proper canon animation well done.
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Anonymous4: @anon2 Du kanske inte borde uttala dig om sånt som du inte vet någonting om? fast du är ju uppenbarligen ett ärke mongo också.
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MisterM: ^ Så hur är det? (Inte anon)
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Anonymous5: @Anon4: careful bud. If they catch you using anything other than arabic, you ded boi.
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Ashmount: Best girl incoming
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xen0n4: @Anonymous: @MisterM:
the real swedish vikings are here? wow
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Anonymous6: anon2 is pretty much correct in that statement.
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Anonymous7: naisu, looks a bit 2d tho