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Tags 3D Animated Lara_Croft Source_Filmmaker Tomb_Raider locjaw
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Shine: This is a rare case in which the black version looks better. Because you can imagine then raping her for being a racist. Whereas when it's a white guy it's just him doing it because he's an entitled asshole as usual.
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Sandyx22: Not being attracted to a person is not racism ^^
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Anonymous1: >Rape someone for being racist.
Truly a logic of a monkey.
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retardus: It's not rape, she likes it. She realizes that this is better than the *ahem* other one.
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millerlord: Eye rolling=awesome.
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sokumotanaka: @S3toRefOrm8: actually I seen this happen between a white guy more often so ha!
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Shine: @Sandyx22: Didn't say anything about her not being attracted to them and that being racist. I was thinking more along the lines of her being trump supporter racist.
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DrPavel: Or you know, it's Lara Croft so she could be exploring in some foreign country and got captured. I dont know where the "raped for racism" shit came from.
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stacy69: its just porn just jack off and move on smh
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doctormodulator: ^^
jesus christ, i come here to fap, not gender & race politics.
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Anonymous2: really hot, would like more fps tho
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brainmoustache: @Shine: literally shoot yourself in the head you retarded cunt
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Anonymous3: @Shine: This SJW cuck lol