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Anonymous1: Beautiful ass In Water raises up AND THERE'S A FUCKING COCK WHY IS THERE ALWAYS A COCK
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rsaotome: Ok, WOW, this had to take forever to render & did millky3d give Pharah large oppai? Oh I hope he uses her in more stuff with that large melons on display. :)
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Anonymous2: Holy Shit
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Anonymous3: Is a perfect animation..why futa? Why? Whyyyyyyy????
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Shine: This is beautiful but futa dick is so fake it looks like a strap-on. Did they think the water would hide the different skin tones?
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PaizuriFan524: "Everything needs to be regular male on female vaginal!"

-This cancerous community
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Anonymous4: Those water physics tho
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darwinism27: In a perfect world, futas like these do not exist.

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majestic_117: gachiBASS
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slappy1: Futa leads to fear....fear leads to anger...anger leads to hate...hate leads to....more futa?
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michaljbscott: Why do people always have to waste their talent on this gay futa bullshit?!
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ProjectGenocide: Why people always have to bitch so much? Are you whiny assholes ever satisfied with anything? Stop being so fucking hateful and bitchy. If you hate their art go make your own goddamn artwork. God, I swear I want to punch some of you bitch ass losers in the face.
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ProjectGenocide: @PaizuriFan524: Their stupid beta males that's why. Spend all day complaining about shit. Their the opposite of the sensitive idiots on Tumblr. You know those bitch ass losers who always complain their offended? I swear, I wonder what type of upbringing half of these cunts had as children to end up as the type of adults that they are.
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suckit66: better water than most AAA games, actually, probably better than all AAA games
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theEmperor: good animation ruined by futa
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bobbs4: I swear we have like 5 people who make new accounts to say the same shit and to argue with themselves.
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NMC2014: You're going to hear a lot more complaining than usual because the down vote button is gone, people would usually just press it and move on(not everyone)but now you will see more and more complaining and you really shouldn't complain about the complaining as it's the powers that be that caused it to increase.
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wesleysave: Rendering time: 3 months
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Anonymous5: Actually, thankfully there is a serious color mismatch between the body and the dick so I can look at this without thinking it's futa, and that it's a double sided dildo.
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UnderCoverFap: New rule: If 2 girls are having sex in a tub animated in Blender...there will be a penis on one of them.

And the autz will screech...which will make it all the better when I fap. >:D

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oYlihan: Futa is as gay as this gif
user image
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PaizuriFan524: Question for everyone whining about this; how exactly would this be less "gay" if it were a man fucking her instead of a chick with a dick? What exactly is your logic?
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Turkwise: Futas fucking girls is objectively more straight than dudes fucking girls. Also objectively hotter.
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Shine: And real girl on girl is straighter than futa but you don't see anyone mass producing that cuz these fags always need to see some dick.
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FaceTheGrey: These fags sure do have a shit ton more talent than you little bitches, but hey~! Don't be too down on yourselves, at least making yourselves into bitches means the mean ol fags won't fuck you right?
I mean.. Other then the whole thing where bitches are fucked by girl-cock all the time. Ruined my own clever tlittle thing there.

a.) There is a ton of yuri proper out there, 3D artist just have more freedom to do crazier things with animation with less work, and if they're like me when they get the idea for a fucking scene, they or.. Let's say "I" since I'm not currently able to read minds, I don't ever enjoy drawing my male characters even when I'm not working on something lewd, so whew boy.. That faggy yet extremely obvious idea tends to kick in to use the only fun part from the (in personal oppinion~) unattractive masculine form and use it with one of these many incredibly attractive females since I have the talent to do so and it just seems like such an obvious thing to do. It is indeed hard to understand those who never dare let their poor brains venture outside of the box.

Lost my cool a lil' bit over something stupid for a sec there huh~? Literlly just stepped onto the site and phew, it is frustrating to see on even a site that kinda exiists to because of and for crazy lewdness complaining aout something not only tame, but seems pretty obvious if you took any time being a little creative (IE: as a kid thought about how if ya had a cool animal part, some things would be awesome). Admittedly, I've.. Also had cock envy since the futa idea ever entered my odd little brain. Ha, who knows, I had nothing better to do anyways, this was fun to type.

(Oh, and even though it doesn't matter, b.) was:
Overwatch created a lot of verry attractive and easy to like girls that any of us who could fall for em wanna see fuck each other into comas in the most amount of ways possible. Toys are fun undoubtedly, but.. I doubt I'm the only abomination of the gender born unable to naturally fuck the gender it wants to, that is definitely gotta agree with the side saying the whole no guy thing is less gay for a guy to enjoy. Or maybe you look at only lesbian proper porn which even then just barely get through all those toy scenes where things are still gettin' shoved into places.)
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Anonymous6: I don't get what attracts people to futa. I want to see characters that I've played as and identified with to some degree fuck each other. D.Va, the petite Korean girl in a skin-tight suit with a smooth crotch, does not have a massive dick in the game.

I'm not gonna claim something retarded, like that futa is "gay" (because you can make that case, but the only gay thing about futa is that it's two girls, and if you use "gay" in a negative context about two girls fucking, then what the fuck are you even doing on a site like this?), but surely I can't be the only one who doesn't like most futa, purely because it's just such a disconnect from how the characters originally are. Like, a part of why you find a fictional character is attractive is their personality in a game or whatever media they're in, how they relate to the other characters etc., not JUST purely based on how they look, right?

But honestly, this picture would be better if D.Va was replaced by some guy from OW.
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Shine: @FaceTheGrey: TL;DR, but
>a.) There is a ton of yuri proper out there, 3D artist just have more freedom to do crazier things with animation with less work

This is bullshit. There is definitely NOT a ton of yuri out there and 3D artist aren't making futa because they have more 'freedom.' They do it because they're too lazy and incompetent to animate proper girl on girl. Or, like most of you fags, they're just to queer to get off on anything without dicks in it.
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theEmperor: @Anonymous6 , @forgotitagain : HALLELUJAH!!!
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Anonymous7: God bless these water physics, i busted a nut to the water.
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Anarchy: The ignorance is real in this comment section.

Bitching & whining saying futa "ruined" this, and that it's "gay," yet you're the retards who wanna see an actual male in D.Va's place. You people who have this "futa is men with tits" mentality aren't too bright because by that shitty logic this animation is straight by default. Anyway, you're fine with pretending it's a "double-sided dildo." New flash: Girl on girl IS gay, and being a male viewer (you) to it doesn't change that fact.

Futa is nothing more than a step up from strap-on yuri porn. Think of it this way: The one doing the penetrating (D.Va in this case) is feeling the warmth embrace of Pharah's ass enveloping her cock. A dildo / strap-on can't replicate the same sensations as a real dick. Many people who are into futa view it as spectator only, not as self-inserts.
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Shine: @Anarchy: The ignorance in your logic is real too. Welcome to the fold. Any guy who says/thinks non-futa girl on girl is "gay" is legitimately retarded for even comparing it to male on male. There's no comparison between the sapphic and Dicks"R"Us. Futa, if anything, is the most copout way for guys to not have to see how lesbians really do it, cunnilingus. A thing they can't imagine happening to them, much less doing it to someone else, because guys are selfish dickheads that only think about their own pleasure.
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Anarchy: @Shine: Me... ignorant? Like you can talk. I see you follow around futa posts and comment the usual bs. On top of that, you yourself uploaded futa content.

Anyway, this comment section is basically: "This is gay. Futa ruined this." I mean, unless these whiners are females viewing this content (I doubt it) they're the fags eager to see a random ass male in D.Va's place. A lot of these clowns focus more on the dick than the female.
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ProjectGenocide: Well I had a feeling I'd come here and run into some more Anti-Futa content/ I'll be honest straight up. Regular Lesbian porn is boring as hell, all they can do is finger, and eat. That's pretty much it. I believe the cocks added to women make it a lot better than strap ons. Watching someone bang someone with a strap on is like clearly an indication that this person wants a dick. I always felt that lesbian bitches in general were full of shit and in denial of who they really are. I mean why do they even have Butch Dykes for? Women walking around trying to look like dudes and shit unless lesbians like the idea of a man with a pussy. Which there aren't a whole lot of FTM types in porn at all because it just looks painfully disgusting as hell seeing a "man" with a pussy versus a girl with a cock.
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Shine: ^ Now that's what you call ignorant. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

@Anarchy: Yes, I've uploaded 'some' futa and it was for a good reason. Woman on girl is the best fucking thing in the world, whether it's futa or not. And I've said before I have a tolerance for futa to an extent. I've accepted the fact that we aren't going to get real girl on girl thanks to massive dickriders like ProjectGenocide who don't see the point or beauty of girls be the 'opposite' sex.
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psneakysys: I thought you guys just wanted to fap, like the website says.