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itzcheeze: hope he does a vag tracer anim soon
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Jalouin: Hopefully he doesn't, who likes vaginal o.O
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wesker1984: @Jalouin: What a stupid statement.
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TheAssclowning: @Jalouin: Yeah, only fags like vaginal sex!
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ricoaio: This is good shit. Anal creampie is so scarce.
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tmfscptkt: 0.O Dat beautiful British booty
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caffeinerush22: WOW.
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majestic_117: HNNNGGG
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mal_man: I've been waiting for what seems like forever for quality Tracer animations. Well done!
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sam222: vagina would be much better.
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Laws: sam222: Shut up, faggot. Tracer anal is patrician.
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wesker1984: @Laws: Why you don't watch futa porn instead? Because you just seems to love anal only, faggot. With such a quality animation she need to be fucked in the ass, vagina and mouth. Oh and any real man love to fuck in the pussy.
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Laws: @wesker1984: Nice projection, faggot.
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wesker1984: @Laws: Illogical. Rejecting vaginal penetration make the faggot one, idiot.
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Laws: @wesker1984: Anal > Vaginal =/= "rejecting vaginal", futa lover.
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mal_man: Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.
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wesker1984: @Laws: I never said if you reject vaginal sex you are probably a faggot. What are you talking about, dumbass? Even if i think rejecting vaginal sex is plain stupid.
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Laws: @wesker1984: "Rejecting vaginal penetration make the faggot one, idiot." It's right in your previous post, futa lover.
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wesker1984: @Laws: Look at yourself, you reject vaginal sex. If you reject vaginal sex so you are no better than a futa lover. Because like them you love anal sex and hate pussies. Get lost.
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wesker1984: @Laws: Also dumbass, tell me what make me a futa lover if i love vaginal penetration? All your statements are illogical.
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Laws: @wesker1984: Anal > Vaginal =/= "rejecting vaginal". It's cute how you keep bringing futas up. Nice double post btw, futa lover.
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wesker1984: @Laws: You to someone who wanted a vaginal version of this animation - ''Shut up, faggot. Tracer anal is patrician''
Me - ''Why you don't watch futa porn instead? Because you just seems to love anal only, faggot. With such a quality animation she need to be fucked in the ass, vagina and mouth. Oh and any real man love to fuck in the pussy.''
You to me - ''Nice projection, faggot.''
Me to you - ''Illogical. Rejecting vaginal penetration make you more the faggot one, idiot''
You to me - ''Anal > Vaginal =/= "rejecting vaginal", futa lover.''
See, you tend to call peoples faggot and futa lovers. Not easy to live in the closet huh? You never qualified yourself as someone who prefer anal sex over vaginal sex in the conversation. You qualified yourself as someone who reject vaginal penetration completly. Me, i qualified myself as someone who love both vaginal and anal sex right from the start of the conversation. You were the first one to attack someone and call him illogicaly a ''faggot'' just because he wanted a vaginal sex scene with Tracer. When i said ''rejecting vaginal penetration make you more the faggot one'' i was reffering to you and you only, i was sarcastic about your immature assumption.
So please, kid, just do us a favor and get lost and let the real hentai and animated porn fans having fun with any animation and depiction they want and stay in your own illogical world.
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Laws: @wesker1984: tl;dr. You brought up futas first and keep talking about futas, my dear projecting futa lover.
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wesker1984: @Laws: Whatever, kid, whatever. I'm too rich and too awesome to waste any more time with an immature douchebag of your kind.
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Laws: @wesker1984: Uh-huh. I accept your defeat. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, futa lover.
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mal_man: An an objective outsider, I think Wesker's argument holds more water. And I enjoy all kinds of sex. Anal, vaginal, beastiality, alien sex, trisexuality, and deity sex. Oh, and leprechaun sex. Did I mention amoeba sex? That's always fun, too.
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Laws: @mal_man: No, it didn't, retard. His "argument" was that if you don't prefer pussy, you like futas. His rant about multiple sex acts was also a complete non-sequitur.
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mal_man: Not really. It made sense. What doesn't make sense is you bringing up terms like 'non sequitur' when you are using logical fallacies yourself, like ad hominem drivel.

His argument is spelled out very clearly, and it wasn't pussy vs futa. You might want to read, then reread, then read again. After that, read it again, and maybe your reading comprehension will afford you the ability to grasp his very simple argument.
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Laws: @mal_man: How about getting some reading comprehension yourself, retard? "Rejecting vaginal penetration make the faggot one" "she need to be fucked in the ass, vagina and mouth." Q.E.D., faggot. Also, you're apparently too stupid to know what an ad hominem is.
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mal_man: LOL he may not have been clear at first, but his longest post is unequivocal. And he owned you with it.

"Also, you're apparently too stupid to know what an ad hominem is." Apparently you miss the irony here. It's alright man, the world will go on. At least you gave me a laugh.
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Laws: Your boyfriend's "longest post" was unequivocally just another rant and non-sequitur, faggot. And you're still too stupid to tell what an ad hominem is. "Owned" indeed.
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wesker1984: Hey Laws you never defeated me and nobody agrees with you. You were owned like a bitch and you never accepted your defeat. And peoples did with you exactly what they do with immature angry kids, they decided to ignore you.

Like mal_man said the world will go on and you will always be that pathetic troll who was irritated by our comments.

Farewell kid and don't hit your head too hard on the wall, lol. ;)
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syko136: @wesker1984: took you long enough.
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aryan826: lol
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wesker1984: @syko136: Yeah i returned because i wanted to fap on a good Tracer animation but i was curious to know what happened in the comments since my last visit. And i was not disappointed. ^^
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Laws: @wesker1984: Well, well, I come back to enjoy some nice Overwatch and what extra gem do I find? Your butthurt, futa-loving ass, pathetically trying to snipe back *over a year* after getting owned. Guess I really got under your skin, huh? ;)

Get over it, fag. Oh, and tell your boyfriend I said hi.

@syko136: Yeah, no kidding lol
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wesker1984: Lol, you are so pathetic, Laws. Not easy to come out of the closet, huh? Look at yourself accusing other peoples being futa lovers and gays when it probably you who is a complete futa lover and gay.

We are in 2020. Peoples accept homosexuals these days. Be proud of yourself, accept what you are and deal with it like a man. Stop acting like a 12yrs old immature bully who hide behind a false straight face. Be yourself :)

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Laws: @wesker1984: Ah, projection: the butthurt faggot's last resort. Let me remind you, you're the one who A) brought up futas in the first place, and B) came crawling back to this page over a year after getting bitch-slapped and running away crying. (What happened to being "too rich and too awesome", btw? LOL)

So long, futa lover. Stew in your impotent rage for another year. ;)
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wesker1984: You were the first to start the fire. Attacking and insulting someone by saying he was a faggot because he prefered vaginal penetration. When i defended his opinion you got upset and you attacked me. I trolled you about the non-sense of your replies. And when you realised nobody supported you, you got even much angrier and hostile. You never accepted being owned in your own stupid game and you still pretend you owned everyone here which is not the case.

You were just the most annoying kid of the bunch and i am exactly like you.

And yeah i do have a minor futa fetish. What it change in your pathetic life?
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Laws: Nope. You both attacked another poster unprovoked (look at the third post) and you attacked me first (the twelfth post). Sorry, futa lover, but it's there for all to see. And what's with this pathetic "nobody supported you", nonsense? It was literally just you and your boyfriend crying. I simply put both of you in your place and you ran away like a bitch for a year.

"And yeah i do have a minor futa fetish." LOOOOL I knew you were a projecting faggot, but holy shit you're an idiot too. XD

Thanks for proving me right all along. ;)
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wesker1984: I have nothing to prove, kid.

You were the first who started the fire and you are unable to deal with the consequences. And now you desperatly try to reoriant the conversation in your advantage. Like i said you are pathetic, LOL.
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Laws: You just admitted to being a futa lover, lol.

You attacked first on both counts, first another guy for liking anal and then me. It's literally on this very page. Try again, futa lover.
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wesker1984: In a matter of fact you never answered the question. What it change in your pathetic life if i have a minor fetish on futas?
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Laws: I don't give a shit what shit-tier fetishes you have, futa lover. Just pointing out your hypocrisy and stupidity, that's all.

I accept your defeat on the point of you being the bitch who started this, btw. ;)
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wesker1984: If you don't give a shit so stop calling peoples faggot and futa lover because of their different opinions.
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Laws: Pot, kettle, black. You're the faggot who jumps down the throats of others for liking different things and then cries like a girl when you get it served back.
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wesker1984: Why are you describing yourself?
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Laws: I didn't, I described you. You're the one who made unprovoked attacks on two people in this very thread for liking anal. We've been over this, futa lover.

Or have you seriously been reduced to "n-no u", you pathetic faggot? XD
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syko136: can you guys not?
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Laws: @syko136: Sorry, man, but hypocrisy combined with rank stupidity always brings out my inner sperg.
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syko136: @Laws: i have Asperger's.
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Laws: @syko136: My condolences.
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wesker1984: We never talked to each other syko136 but i saw many of your comments. I respect you and as a sign of respect i will just stop answering to Laws. I crossed the threshold of immaturity by acting like him and by reducing myself to his level by responding to his provocations. It is for this reason that I will stop now and let him believe that he has won.

After all i'm here to fap and enjoy great hentai works. Not to argue with toxic peoples who insult others for no real solid reasons.

So have a nice day syko136 and see you around.
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syko136: @Laws: why? i have an IQ of 140 at the cost of general anxiety. it's a good trade-off.
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Laws: Back for one final, pitiful snipe, eh, futa lover? Oh my, and you're even pretending to be the victim!

To simplify: you started this twice, and I finished it twice.

Let that simmer in your syphilitic brain as you run away like a bitch. Again. ;)
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Laws: @syko136: Never mind then. As long as you're happy, dude.
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Bad_Green_One: wesker1984 and Laws. Both of you are morons. But Laws you are the most stupid of the two. You open your big mouth on every provocations and you never said something intelligent. Even worst than that, everytime you are owned you just imitate the other guy and pretend you put him in his place.

In all honesty you are the one who started all this and you never really finished it. You just live in complete deny of the fact. Not because you are the last to comment prove you are the winner. Sometine it can just prove you are the more moronic of the two. I'm pretty sure you will take what i am saying as a provocations and you will retaliate with repetitive immature insults. In any case if you do that i will not bother myself to reply you back.

wesker1984 you never should have restarted the conversation when you decided to quit. You are not better than Laws and you added more oils on the fire when you decided to come back. You managed to get the upper hand but in the end you acted exactly like him, hoping to have the last word like a real idiot. It's pretty dumb and very immature on your part.

If either of you replies to this comment it will prove which one is the dumbest.

By the end we are all fans of porn. Just enjoy the vast content of the site and comment about the artist works and not what others think of yourself.

Have a nice day!
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Laws: @Bad_Green_One: tl;dr. Nice sock puppet account, though. Stay seething, futa lover. ;)
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Laws: @Bad_Green_One: Thanks for the PM, btw, futa lover. Nothing says you're a butthurt little bitch better than pussying out of the comment section. :)
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Bad_Green_One: If you say so, Snowflake. I have nothing to prove. Feel free to make any assumptions you want :)
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Laws: @Bad_Green_One: What happened to "i will not bother myself to reply you back", futa lover? Guess I got under your skin again. ;)
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Bad_Green_One: Sorry my mistake, buddy. I hope you are not mad at me?
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Laws: @Bad_Green_One: Nah, just thought I should point out your blatant hypocrisy alongside your sockpuppetry. ;)
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Bad_Green_One: I should thank you, then.
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Laws: @Bad_Green_One: I'm only serving the public good, futa lover. ;)

Oh, and that poetry you're PM'ing me out of sheer butthurt is pretty gay. Funny, though.
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Bad_Green_One: Glad you like it. It was the lyrics of Human by Rag'n'Bone Man and the other one is Mr Crowley by Ozzy Osbourne. Two lyrics who fit you perfectly if you understand my subtext.
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Laws: @Bad_Green_One: Nah, I don't really care about your shitty taste in music.
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aryan826: oi rag n bone man is totaly fine :D
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Mr_Lolicon: Jesus Christ, this comment section is cancerous. Just shut up and enjoy Tracer getting an anal creampie.