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Uploader lerico213,
Tags 3D Animated Kadwyn Lara_Croft Sound Tomb_Raider lerico213
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animatethedead: why da fuck can't I download anymore vid?
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Big_Balls: I ask the same a cople of hours ago and my comment was deleted.
It seems that someone wants to keep us away from this site.
I will find some other place and forget of this one
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Rastafarian: @Big_Balls: Turn off your ad-block
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lerico213: Lol, don't turn it off. Unless you want to make this site even more unusable.. I wrote a script that avoids all his bullshit anti adblock stuff. I get it.. You're trying to earn money.. but don't make the site completely unusable with adblock disabled.. that is very cocky.. You have a Patreon account.. You have ads.. You're literally making people leave this site with your greed.

This comment will probably get removed, but idc.. This site is BS anyways...
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Rastafarian: @lerico213: There's so much I can say Lerico but I won't if you don't like the site just leave. No one is making you stay or post here we was here before you start adding shitting sounds to animations we will be here after.
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lerico213: You can say it.. You're obviously the god of this site.. I'm not posting because of you, or your website.. I'm posting because of people who watch it... Too bad my "shitting" sounds earn me more money that your bullshit policies and animations you create..
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lerico213: than*
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Rastafarian: @lerico213: Good for you you want a cookie?
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Gromnir: God, Rasta, you're really committed to ruining this site aren't you? Seems like you're always coming up with some way to make it worse than it was before.
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Big_Balls: @Rastafarian: My ad-block was already off for this site.
With or without ad-block there is no way
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lerico213: No. But I'd like a site that doesn't require you to use 3 adblocks and JS work arounds to make it usable..
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Anonymous1: Like, I'm really grateful that this site hosts shitloads of content for free, but I feel like there are objectively better ways to handle ads. Browsing this site without some kind of adblocker is a nigh impossibility, the site LITERALLY is unusable. I feel like there is a way around this, like downsampling uploads to a smaller resolution, the bigger resolution being available by the uploader at an alternate source (which let's be honest, pretty much everybody who uploads stuff here has a backlink to a tumblr or something with multiple sources available). Alternatively, the full-res hosted content could just have delivery severely throttled.

I get it, you got a serious load to take care of with all the shit that's uploaded here. I just feel like there are ways to handle it and generate income without rendering the site wholly, entirely unusable. I'm not trying to shit on you, I'm just providing some constructive criticism. It's pretty absurd when you click one page, and within 1 second 5 tabs have opened up, 3 entirely new browser windows have opened, and best of all, the picture you clicked on is not even in any of them. Of course, simply going back doesn't work because of how the ad redirect works. So you have to go back to the home page to find it again and hopefully this time you won't get bombarded with ads.

Ads on the top and bottom and sides of the page? Fine. I'm okay with that. Ads that play before a video? That's fine too. Daily download limits? I'm okay with that. But not this shit that tries to trick you into accidentally clicking on one of them just to generate a penny of ad revenue. That's scummy and kind of fucked up.
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DrPavel: Yeah vids arent working for some reason. I cant play anything. Even with adblock off.
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speedlot: No one is going to turn off adblock for this site, that's the bottom line. The adds on this site are cancerous, make it basically unusable, and in some instances are outright dangerous for your computer. Anyone who does try turning off adblock is going to turn it right back on. There is absolutely no reason to turn off adblock, so if the only options are "make the site dangerous and unusable" or "stop using the site" It's a sadly easy choice. I hope for the sake of this site you see this before everyone just goes away. There are other sites that (right now) don't get as much content as this site, but people will flock to them when this becomes unusable.
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DrPavel: Unfortunately I dont get right click and play. I get right click and watch in new tab but for some reason this fucking site wont let me do that.
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slappy1: I get logged out virtually every 3 clicks and now the videos can't be downloaded? It's becoming a real chore to even look at pictures without a logoout and error messages. Heck, this comment post will probably end up logging out and showing as anonymous.
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Anonymous2: And now Rasta is yelling at content uploaders?! Wow, this is getting as bad as 'The Last Jedi'.
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Esp88: Just want to chime in and say that you can download from the bottom right icon, left of the clock symbol in the player
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lerico213: Lol, banned my IP address? You should know better than that. Everyone on this planet knows regular users have Dynamic IP addresses. Why not ban my account instead?
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DrPavel: I get that crap too. One second Im banned for "spamming," then I close tabs and come back and it's all good.