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Uploader Justausername3,
Tags 3D Android_2B Animated Blender Nier Nier_Automata Sound exga
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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Akryung: I fucking love exga so much.
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majestic_117: them abs :O
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BBCrulesYOU: yawn
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Anonymous1: @BBCrulesYOU: make something better or fuck off retard
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Its an obvious and badly made troll account so dont give him any attention.
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Anonymous3: Wow bro so good that 1 sec loop is so litty brb donating 1k to ur patreon!!
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BBCrulesYOU: @anon2 "Troll account"? You don't even have an account dumbass. Plus I do animation for a living at a big time studio. I don't need a patreon to get money from horny fags making lazy ass animations.
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Anonymous4: bruh tf you mean exga is GOD
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BBCrulesYOU: @Anonymous: He's a "GOD" to the people who aren't art critics or in the business themselves.
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DrPavel: You go on porn videos and talk about black cocks, you shouldn't talk at all.
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Anonymous6: "Criticism"
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Anonymous7: It is, the animation is generic boring trash.
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Anonymous8: Sorry, part of what makes something actual criticism is analytical points. Going "yawn" or "generic" barely qualifies and should be treated with the same amount of effort that was put into it, which is none.
If you wanna hide under the criticism label then you have to at least try a little you fuck.
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BBCrulesYOU: @Anonymous: Holy fuck you're defending this dude like he popped your cherry on prom night or some shit. Get off that man's dick faggot.
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Anonymous9: Nice deflection but that shit ain't gonna work on me you moron. Its funny how it's always the same shitty "arguments" from you brainlets.
If you can't actually articulate any half decent points then don't even bother and go back to dreaming about dicks.
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wexington: @BBCrulesYOU: im sure you work at a big time studio just like im the president of Spain!
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Anonymous10: why do people get so aggressive when it comes to fictional animated porn?