monster25: @Froggy: Yes it should. This isn't Memoirs of the Invisible Man with the see-through stomach just for a vomit gag. You shove something inside something that is invisible on the outside said thing would look like it disappears. Maybe my mistake is applying realworld logic to porn but you would not see your dick inside an invisible girl. A see-through girl would be different.
You are both right. It just depends on the way her "invisibility" manifests.
If her "inviso" power is a field generated around her person, her and anything in the field will become unseen. This can be achieved by her or said field absorbing the spectrum of light visible to humans within the field's range, or if the objects behind her were being projected on her front, or if her powers were actually a reactive psychic ability that "convinced" the minds of those that looked at her that they could not see her, as some examples.
We can infer that, as her clothing and items she is holding do not vanish, that that field, if that is the case, is a tactile one. In this example, she could eat things and have things inserted into her and they would, upon entering the range of her "inviso" field, would similarly become invisible.
HOWEVER, if her power was such that her molecules just have photons passing right in-between them, she would be just as invisible as we see her in the anime. But, things that entered her body would /not/ be so effected by her power and would be visible as if she were not there at all. Hence, you'd always know if she had just eaten or, in this case, Deku's dick just jutting in the air.
As they have not gone in-depth in the show, her powers could be any of these. Either they are playing it strait with the former or they are making an accidental, or purposeful, omission by not showing her form shit in her colon after lunch.
Imma get back to fapping.
Also, I'm with UnderCover. I /did not/ see this coming. But, I am pleased that it's a thing now.
I imagine she was the easiest to animate! xD
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You are both right. It just depends on the way her "invisibility" manifests.
If her "inviso" power is a field generated around her person, her and anything in the field will become unseen. This can be achieved by her or said field absorbing the spectrum of light visible to humans within the field's range, or if the objects behind her were being projected on her front, or if her powers were actually a reactive psychic ability that "convinced" the minds of those that looked at her that they could not see her, as some examples.
We can infer that, as her clothing and items she is holding do not vanish, that that field, if that is the case, is a tactile one. In this example, she could eat things and have things inserted into her and they would, upon entering the range of her "inviso" field, would similarly become invisible.
HOWEVER, if her power was such that her molecules just have photons passing right in-between them, she would be just as invisible as we see her in the anime. But, things that entered her body would /not/ be so effected by her power and would be visible as if she were not there at all. Hence, you'd always know if she had just eaten or, in this case, Deku's dick just jutting in the air.
As they have not gone in-depth in the show, her powers could be any of these. Either they are playing it strait with the former or they are making an accidental, or purposeful, omission by not showing her form shit in her colon after lunch.
Imma get back to fapping.
Also, I'm with UnderCover. I /did not/ see this coming. But, I am pleased that it's a thing now.
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Also, "I /did not/ see this coming". HAH. I made a funny.