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NightmareChild: Nice to see a Cuckquean video for once.
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DrPavel: On one hand, it's good to see Zelda getting cucked.
On the other hand, I hate Link.
Sort of the problem I have with Spiderman stuff.
On one hand, I hate seeing him get humiliated, but then I see the horrible harem shit he has then I think "yeah this shit's stupid."
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Anonymous1: With Link is kinda understandable, he's the courageus and right hero that stopped the evil incarnated many times and on the mean time, he , unknowingly, makes some girls fall for him and you can't really blame him for being the person he is and what accomplished that they got love interested on the person he is.
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Anonymous2: I wonder what other Zelda content he might have on his Patreon anyways
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blargmuffin: Can these two stop cucking and start fucking already?
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Stan: @smarty358 Wtf harem does Spider-Man have? lmao
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DrPavel: Oh you wouldnt BELIEVE the shit I see.
Besides his usual, MJ, Black Cat, and Gwen, he cucks Reed richards, he fucks half of the marvel girls, and switches off with some DC girls, then you have the fucking autist who pairs LUCINA and Spidey, then he does other FE girls with him.
It's fucking awful and made me hate Spider forever.
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Anonymous3: I find it interesting that with time Secazz redemed Link on his works, Link started good then his dick got tiny and began the cucking, one time he got a chance then another time was a dream, after that cuck again to later be turn into a girl (my favourite) then return to cuck on a "movie" (that i think happens before the She Link animation) to finally get action with Cia and Ruto and also Midna.
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mehgusta: @NightmareChild: ditto
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DrPavel: @LordReplacer: Oh god, Spiderman is NOTHING compared to the Narutofreaks.
Spiderman doesnt have fans who erase peoples works so they can draw Naruto in.
Spiderman doesnt have people TRACE over people's works and edit in Narutos face.
Spiderman doesnt have fans who will hunt down ANY pic that they dont like and downvote it to oblivion, just because Naruto isnt banging that girl.
Narutofans ruined any sort of porn in that fandom for me, I have to fucking crop out his face out of any of the pics he's in, it's THAT bad.
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Anonymous4: @smarty358: You have problems kid, for real
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DrPavel: @Anonymous: That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
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faphap: bitch, i was the one that did cuckquean zelda long before he did