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tayama_rice_cooker: Cheese nips anyone?
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Razashte: I fucking love Lady. Good animation
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owar24: Holy fuck fuck fuck fuck
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Silverscorpionsfm: Fuck this looks so GOOD,I want to fuck Trish more than Lady for some reason in this animation
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dud3br0: wow he finally does something normal
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Anonymous2: IT BEGINS!
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UnderCoverFap: Dem Nips on Lady and Trish and that pussy rub...the hottest lesbian action in SFM in a LONG while.

I don't see how it can get any-

0:13 *Lady bits her lower lip and is followed by a surprise kiss/make-out from Trish*

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Adieu: WHOA
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Anonymous3: Uh, their faces are horrible D:
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Anonymous4: Please do some of nicoletta
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heralt: Ахуительно
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LewdBanana: Need more Lady
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Whatever9999: I'm with anon3 about this. While the concept is fine, the models are ugly, their faces and tits are just blah, making them look like retired hookers in their 50's. And that spastic bit of animation at 00:21 makes Lady look like a robot having an electric seizure.
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goneaf: Nah Lady is proper cougar tier in DMC5. But Trish... that massive beak of a nose just ruins her
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34Critic: Hot ladies
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Jaghi: Good lord!!!!!!
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flowingsoul: Lady looks so good. I want Nico to rub her pussy.
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gorack: Devil Trigger!!!
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CyberSlueth166: @Anonymous3 Shut up
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ialsoforgot: Is it finally time for Lady porn? Been waiting actual years for this shit.
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Anonymous5: @Silverscorpionsfm: For me Trish was always hotter than Lady...Dmc 4 Trish was fucking hot af!
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Silverscorpionsfm: @Anonymous: Exactly I always preferred Trish myself also DMC4 Trish was damn girl got to get the work. I do like lady's face in this very cute. I fine both pretty when I think about ethnic beauty. Trish has a Eastern European face while lady is obviously asian face .But the RE engine makes faces look bad(face models are better irl) and it's not a new engine it's the re6 engine heavily modified so it's technically "new".
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UnderCoverFap: @Silverscorpionsfm There's a lot of disdain going around for the character design of the females of DMC 5.

However, I think you have a good middle ground argument that RE Engine makes them less aesthetically pleasing to look at compared to games past. But, I can see why guys can find Trish as a turn off as they made her more of a realistic Eastern European...a bit less attractive one.

For me, I don't find Trish's new look unattractive; I think she's cute in her own way. Although what we find attractive is subjective.
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Silverscorpionsfm: Yeah I've seen the hate but that's to be expected when using real faces and photo relistic graphics so petty argument. Yeah I can understand their argument it's the engine but her face does lack. I could be mistaken but her original face was based on a American woman. Like example some say Annette in remake is ugly. Please her original is better but she's hot in this. Her model is Anna something just Google their faces for remake . Anyway her Instagram proves my point the engine makes faces worse.

I also try to come at any situation with logic .Ok her face doesn't met everyone standards then get a pc and mod is what I tell them.

I completely agree she beautiful in her own way and by Eastern Europe standards depending on the region. By others she not gorgeous as before or my own by standards . But beauty is generally something most can agree on but still highly subjective as you said.
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Sarabi: I swear to god, generalbutch has phenomanel potential.
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General_Butch: Why this got less hate? i thought i suck
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heralt: General_Butch your usual beastiality trolling sucks
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Anonymous6: @heralt: bestiality*
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Anonymous7: Are those nipples or doorknobs?
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Axelite3: @Anonymous: nopples, not nipples, nopples
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UnderCoverFap: @General_Butch That's not true GB! D:

We love your work, we just don't like it when you give lolis balloon titties.
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HentaiLand: I using Firefox with no add blockers and I can't save or download anything?
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Anonymous8: I'm looking for a big cock 07884 548490
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Anonymous9: man faces
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: thats my phone number you son of a bitch!!!!