Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader Rastafarian, May 3, 2019; 21:48 Tags 3D Animated Autodesk_Maya Avatar_The_Last_Airbender Azula skuddbutt Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments May 4, 2019; 00:01 - Reply owar24: So cute May 4, 2019; 00:57 - Reply DarkRoxasXV: Godlike May 4, 2019; 02:03 - Reply BBCrulesYOU: Finally, someone with some real talent gets featured. May 4, 2019; 02:48 - Reply Anonymous1: @DarkRoxasXV: lol stfu May 4, 2019; 09:18 - Reply dud3br0: @BBCrulesYOU: How can you even say that with that shit framerate? lol kys May 4, 2019; 11:34 - Reply Frank_Wesker: @dud3br0: But that's the way he animates they stuff, it's like an art style May 4, 2019; 16:36 - Reply BBCrulesYOU: @dud3br0: You clearly know nothing about 2d animation. So kindly KYS. May 4, 2019; 16:52 - Reply Silverscorpionsfm: Shit framerate lol this is some of the best 2d animation. 2d animation is harder than 3d by miles the transitions are smooth. May 4, 2019; 17:11 - Reply hellamella: @Silverscorpionsfm: That's true and all but you're commenting on a 3d animation. May 4, 2019; 17:24 - Reply Silverscorpionsfm: @hellamella: spellcheck on the last part and you can't edit comments so Yeah. :(
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