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Violater: GB has been really killing it lately. :o
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Lolman: Finally some native American Representation lol
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Jaller: @Lolman: Bruh she's South Asian Indian lmao
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Silverscorpionsfm: @Jaller: Parah is Native American and Arabic ...stop assuming everyone is talking about Indians lol
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metroid00: It has't been confirmed what Pharah's father is, he looks Arab anyway
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Silverscorpionsfm: It was confirmed 2017 his name is Sam during the holiday season in the Reflection comic and when asked about her Native American skins. His facial features are Native American and skin tone match Arab
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atozed: @Silverscorpionsfm: yeah specifically he's Canadian which might explain (possibly retroactively , knowing blizz, but who can say) why Pharah's got that Pacific Northwest style Thunderbird skin.
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Silverscorpionsfm: @atozed: Yeah I know , I'm just going by what's in the comic ,confirmed in tweets and interviews and hinted at. They wanted representation or whatever I don't know why or how these decisions are made since Blizzard is (woke) now and doesn't care about lore they'll retroactively retcon on a whim. Which was stated about the Thunderbird skin shrugs.