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aryan826: zuper <3 <3 <3
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BakaChu: meh.
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BBCrulesYOU: I wish straight stuff was this good.
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Rezuke: okay, the animation is great as aways, but im hearing lisa ann moaning there
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UnderCoverFap: Behold the power of futa. It increases your animation to whole new levels.

You want to become a good 3D animator? Pull up those wiener assets and put on a female character model.

And there you have it, your desire to animate increases to see futa plow every hole imaginable. Before you know it, you will be animating on levels of Pixar. :3c
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oriondeth: Jesuus!
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BBCrulesYOU: Welcome to the internet... where a girl with a dick is more desired than a girl with a pussy. SMH...
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Lazag472: @BBCrulesYOU: Everyone here must be closeted gays, no other explanation for all this futa trash
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Bill: I don't even get this futa hate. How is a girl with a dick fucking a girl more gay than a regular guy fucking a girl?

You just want to see the guy's dick. You fucking fags, you're the gay ones here.
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Kas: Horrible
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MyJohnson: @Bill: Maybe if they didn't all include horse-sixed cocks? Maybe people would be less annoyed.
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tourke: Then get off your lazy ass and learn how to use an animation program. People who take the time to do that can make whatever the fuck they want. Whining at it's a real beta move.
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Lazag472: @Bill: You think of a female body and want to add a dick to it, that's how gay you are.
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BBCrulesYOU: @Bill: Are you even reading what you write? "How is a girl with a dick..." Just fucking stop... please. Straight sex is inherently not gay because it's straight sex. Getting rid of a pussy in favor of a dick makes you a faggot. No way around that buddy.
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sickduck11: This is incredible. Also the lure of futa is that there is no male form in the scene. I don't like male bodies. This doesn't have one. Therefore its awesome.
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asslover: Why should it be gay, watching a beautiful woman body fucking a other woman. Ok there needs to be a dick in it, otherwise no fucking possible. But I like to see the futa with her big tits and ass more than a male body in this case. It is a double pleasure to watch!
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AssAss_is_in: @BBCrulesYOU: @Lazag472: So instead of fapping to two sexy female asses, you two guys rather fap to a man's muscles and bare ass? In what universe does that make you more hetero!? Most guys would try to ignore the hairy men in the sex scene, but then lesbians dildos and strapons came along to fix this gay little issue. Some girls prefer using a realistic strapons that shoot cum, 3D porn creators are just imitating that cuz all of these 3D models are based off characters who are 100% female. Basically, this is 3D strapon lesbian porn, for guys who don't like watching other guys, cuz that would be gay.
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Fapinator: All LGBTQ rule34 content is made to help [url@BBCrulesYOU[/url] come out of the closet and stop being such a prude straight out of the 1930s.
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BBCrulesYOU: @AssAss_is_in: First off, I'm not a guy. Secondly I appreciate you not being rude and actually constructing a mature argument, unlike some misfits who use this site. With that being said, sex between a man and a woman is a beautiful thing. When you have two men or two women going at it, it just ruins the sacrecy of intercourse. But that's just my opinion. I also think that the above animation is gay because it's a "real" dick attached to a female model. I wouldn't have any problem with the animation, besides it still being gay, if the dick was just a strap-on instead. I will never understand how seeing a girl with a cock can turn men on.
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Undercity4: @BBCrulesYOU: ROFL, you my friend are moronic. Most women I know do futa content, it's not just men who are into this stuff. How sad you must be to assume that cock attached to a woman equates to being gay. I swear to all that is holy humanity is full blown stupid these days.
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DrPavel: He's not a woman. Lmaoo you actually believe him?
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Undercity4: I honestly believe this is the only art site on the internet where you come across people who hate on an art genre so bad it shames the entire community.
I remember reading an article some years ago about how masturbating to heterosexual porn can give off bisexual like thoughts especially in double penetration scenes where two males cocks are literately touching when one dick is in the womans ass and the other is in her puss. I've seen guys cum on each other from it and it looks gay as hell especially when one man cums in a woman, and then another man sticks his dick in there so now his dick is bathing in another mans fluids. People overlook this shit because they don't pay attention enough. I think what the real problem is, is that the people who hate futa art hate it because they hate transsexual individuals even though futa's aren't transgender, the cocks just make them appear to be that way. People also need to accept the fact that more people prefer futa art, not just men both women too. I happen to know a lot of females who are big fans of it, or produce more futa art than regular female on female art. So clearly anyone accusing males of being fags for liking it, and then overlooking the fact that women are also into it as well, says a lot about the people that are complaining.

Rule34 has a bad rep for its anti-futa views. this whole "Faggot" argument shit is just so people can try to make people feel bad about something they enjoy and like. And there is plenty of male on female content out there if that's what you want to see. Futa art shouldn't be excluded just because some of you have inferiority complex issues. There is a lot of porn I don't like, but it's easy to avoid it. Dont' know why it's so hard for some of you to avoid what you don't like. guess you feel like if you throw a tantrum enough about how futa is a threat to you, the artists will stop producing it. Sadly that's not going to happen. But its good to see people defending the genre for a change. Most of the time people just ignore the people that complain, and though its a good strategy, it would be even better if more women who liked the genre stood up for it and defended it. That would make these mofos that are whining look real stupid if they got clowned by women who are into the genre.
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Undercity4: @smarty358: It's not that I believe them. I don't know what their gender is. Either way their argument just makes no sense to me.
While I understand some people don't like the genre, that's fine. I just don't get how some people have to post the same negative comments every time a futa video gets posted, its like okay we get it you hate it! But why do you keep posting to remind us that you don't like it? Whats up with that..
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majestic_117: Best.
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BBCrulesYOU: @smarty358: Because everyone on the internet is a white guy right?
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BBCrulesYOU: @Undercity4: Okay how would you feel if two men were having sex, but one of them had a vagina and was getting fucked in it. By your logic, that would be straighter than a man and woman having intercourse. See how the whole futa being straight argument doesn't make sense?
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mal_man: @Undercity4

"People also need to accept the fact that more people prefer futa art."

This is ambiguous. Are you claiming that more people prefer futa art than hetero art? Or are you saying more people prefer futa art than what most people might expect.

I'm not a fan of futa. And that's because it is way easier for me to imagine myself being the guy who is doing the fucking in a porn scene than some female with a dick. I empathize, suspend disbelief, and imagine myself there in the guy's place. When I see something that is so clearly fictional, especially with absurdly oversized proportions, like a dick 2 feet long on a woman's body, it breaks that suspension of disbelief. Not only would I have trouble imagining myself as a character in a futa scene, but it is a major turn off to do so.

The only reasons I can think of for anyone to prefer futa to straight sex are:
1) that they don't typically imagine themselves as one of the characters in porn scenes
2) they lack the imagination to see a male body and pretend that that person is them
3) they like to imagine themselves as a woman with a dick
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slappy1: Wow, so many words above. And so much of it is dumb.
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EclipseIX: Yikes arguing in the comments about porn
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cool-dude: @Bill: I don't get the hate either as far as animated porn goes. It's animated Futa, not real, nor do the artists that make this type of animation attempt to make them look like real hermaphrodites.
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afrocrumble: Ooook! Boner de-activated...thanks internet. Arguing over porn is where you know how insecure people are...and my god there are babies here...
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AssAss_is_in: @BBCrulesYOU: I see, I think you may just be a little too focused on the dicks themselves. Personally, I never ever considered 3d or 2d futa dicks to be real at all (they usually look ridiculously big). The girls in futa are 100% women, the artist just gave them colored strapons that shoot cum. Also, you don't see the dicks themselves that often, they're usually inside the other female's mouth/pussy most of the scene. It's usually just different angles of a sexy girl thrusting her hips against another sexy girl, which is enough for most futa fans. As a hetero male who loves the female form, seeing two girls licking, tribbing, and fucking with a realistic strapon (aka futa) is always a preference than another guy in animated porn. I only care about "sacrecy of intercourse" in real life or in storytelling.

@mal_man: I assumed pov porn was invented for imagining yourself in the scene, which I enjoy very much btw. Fapping to myself on screen as the guy seems a little too weird, like jerking off in the mirror, but that's just me. I prefer lesbian (or futa) porn in third person and straight (imagine myself) porn in first person.
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OverPorn: Comment section:
90% gay stuff
9% Futa
1% animation
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doctormodulator: I just come here for the comments.
Never change, R34Hentai... Never change.
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dud3br0: @BBCrulesYOU: No one likes you, just go.
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BBCrulesYOU: @AssAss_is_in: I can respect your POV.
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Lumipo: @MyJohnson: Gotta agree with this. I hate how most futa is hyperdick. I don't know what it is with futa that makes people want to add hypercocks and in this case, literally a fucking deformed cock. Most straight stuff has big cocks but it's almost always a believable size.
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nickftwd: Time to kill the gays.
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Woe: Imagine being so insecure about your sexuality you start complaining and arguing on a porn site, we get it you don't like futa because you want to see 2 men plow, there are animations out there that fit your need no need for you to embarrass yourself any further
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FootmanJeff: High quality animation. I like a good futa dick, though generally non-foot stuff doesn't do much for me.