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Uploader Jaller, avatar
Tags Life_is_Strange Rachel_Amber Source_Filmmaker jallersfm
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Rating Unrated


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Aname: lol
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Debthrowaway: Wow. That's really pathetic, Jaller. Like honestly. Some severe misogyny and homophobia there. Seek help.
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kaylahkitty: This is more like what Rachel would be like, if Chloe was actually her girlfriend, which she never was. Rachel has always been straight.
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Jaller: @Debthrowaway: lmao
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DrPavel: Is there any artist as pathetic as Jallers? Id throw in Donkboy, but at least his stuff is different. They both self insert but whereas Donkboy's self insert is ugly and annoying, Jallers thinks he's some indian chad when in reality he's the same as all indian men.

show bobs and vegene, plz bby gurl so sexy...i poo in loo for u hot girl...u bitch fuk u muther....
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Jaller: Jesus man, I get that you're insecure about interracial porn, whether it be your ex getting fucked by a black or any POC dude and left you but let me do my shit lmao.

But if you want to make yourself look more pathetic, be my guest.
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Jaller: This dude keeps commenting on most of my Interracial pics with Indians...sad.
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DrPavel: >you're pathetic for using the comment box! Lol SAAAAD
>Now watch me pretend I'm an indian chad fucking all these girls! That's not pathetic!
You know I'd be less disgusted if you laid off the cringy dialogue, but hey that's asking too much.
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Aname: Dude, the renders are pretty good, but that dialogue has got to go.
It's pure cringe. Just fix that.
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td2439: @Aname: He doesnt have to do anything.....
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td2439: You do you man.
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crixxus21: SHOW VAGENE
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Bill: Don't listen to those faggots, Jail. This is top tier
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Jaller: @DrPavel Lmao at the "Indian Chad" Pretty sure you ain't no different from every other tiny dick white incel who comments on probably masturbates to blacked porn yet discriminates other minority groups in porn since they're alot easier to put down to make yourself feel better and don't have as much appeal as black guys in porn.

There are tons of pics I've made without dialogue, you probably know that but you decided to pick this just to shit cause you're an insecure bitch who probably has a tiny dick like "most pajeets" you claim.

Sorry for the late reply by the way, I was continuing making pics like this to make you Elliot rodger worshipers cry ;)
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Jaller: @DrPavel: Lmao at the "Indian Chad" Pretty sure you ain't no different from every other tiny dick white incel who comments on probably masturbates to blacked porn yet discriminates other minority groups in porn since they're alot easier to put down to make yourself feel better and don't have as much appeal as black guys in porn.

There are tons of pics I've made without dialogue, you probably know that but you decided to pick this just to shit cause you're an insecure bitch who probably has a tiny dick like "most pajeets" you claim.

Sorry for the late reply by the way, I was continuing making pics like this to make you Elliot rodger worshipers cry ;)
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nemesis07: mother fuckers in here trying to have morals and complain about muh soggy knees... on a fucking porn site. THAT is pathetic. have your fap and move on.