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richerich: Nice racistic comment there, mr ShitstainMcfapmop.
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Secone: @ShitstainMcfapmop: ugh just fucking go cry in the corner, you ignorant racist, you are about the scum of this website.
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Secone: @Bill: ok you won
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shiningbuttcrack: I find it weird how people are bothered about race but not the rampant paedophilia
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EmptyMag: @Secone: Fuck off, man, if u dont say anything when the opposite happens here, don't wave u flag against him...
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haibai886: you whities do know we tolerate all the 99% of porn with white guys in it so how about not getting pissy when there's a dark guy every now and then huh? this is just an animation, she doesnt exist, no one is geetting cucked
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ofpigsanddogs: With all the snowflake Neo Nazis floating around here, maybe I should make something to REALLY piss y'all off. lol
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Rastafarian: Warning, racist comments will get your account banned and possibly your account deleted don't do it. People can make what the fuck they want to to and if you don't like it DON'T VIEW IT.
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EmptyMag: @Rastafarian: Just make sure to apply to both sides, Rasta! :D
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Please: I smell future here Rated