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Futa_x_females: Love how Brigitte sniff Tracer as she thrust
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BBCrulesYOU: Really getting sick of this fruity shit. Ugh seriously going to unpatreon him.
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itzcheeze: FR wheres the monster stuff!!!!!
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General_Butch: Oh please dont unPatreon Me Dear. What will i ever do WIthout You. Hahah
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BBCrulesYOU: @General_Butch: I just miss your straight stuff. The meat and potatoes that made your work hot to me. You have so many hot black male models that you could’ve used to fuck Tracer. Everyone and their mother is literally doing Futa. It just sucks to see one of my favorite artists go down that rabbit hole.
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jumb: @BBCrulesYOU: It's GB'S choice what they want to make and it's your choice to continue supporting them or not, simple as that. There's plenty more porn out there to suit your needs.
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aryan826: @General_Butch: well i much prefer this so please keep it coming :) <3
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izzipizzi: @General_Butch: lmao BASED
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General_Butch: Go down the rabbit hole. I literally did mei getting blacked. three anim ago. And it was in this month. The fak is wrong wid u guys lol
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BBCrulesYOU: @General_Butch: I'm just saying, I'd love to see some vanilla straight stuff in erotic positions like that. All of your best pairings are kind of generic. Not to be rude.
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Gridrock: @General_Butch: An asshole of an artist with an ego to match, yep, seems typical, then again coming from someone that took his time to come to this site just to see what people think of your trash futa content shows how fragile and spineless you are as a person, pathetic dude lol.
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Gridrock: @BBCrulesYOU: I wouldn't even say General "Bitch" here is generic, just here is just severely limited in terms of variety, either a girl is getting fucked by the ugly fat coach from Left 4 Dead or a futa almost every time, talk about no creativity lol
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DrPavel: @General_Butch: He's just mad that you don't do cuck shit EVERY fucking release. You do you fam, keep making futa monster whatever you want and let the cuck keep crying.
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Gridrock: @smarty358: Someone's desperate for attention, oh wait that's you my dude.
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Gridrock: @smarty358: Btw, using the word "cuck" as your main insult, your words just lose credibility, who knows, maybe you just happen to be one yourself and covering up your obvious insecurities. *shrugs*
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BBCrulesYOU: @smarty358: First off, I'm not even going to try to correct you factually about everything you got wrong about me. Secondly, General Butch, made his name making straight interracial pairing, and now you're defending him and calling me a "cuck" Oh the irony of it all, you poor little pathetic little man.
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xigva: <BuzzLightyearmeme>"Retards... Retards everywhere..."</meme>
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mal_man: Great animation, but what makes this unique I think is the voice work. Tracer actually sounds believable.
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General_Butch: Yes @Gridrock I do come to this website time to time and check comments. Dont know how taking feedback makes me Spineless. But yeah even half of it is Just Pointless But there is a saying that even a flwoer can grow in a pile of shit. And i did infact found some valuable feedback from time to time With a fukc you at the end.
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BBCrulesYOU: @General_Butch: No hard feelings hon. I still love your work, and I look forward to your next straight animation!
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Anonymous1: lol fuck all of this, 5 years in SFM still same voice and animation
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Gridrock: @General_Butch: Now when I said you were "spineless", I'm referring specifically to you attacking a fan here in this comment section JUST for saying differently about your repetitive content, now calling you fragile? That's just you all around.
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Gridrock: @General_Butch: Aka, BBCrulesYOU that you attacked