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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags 3D Animated Blender DC_Comics Power_Girl Sound Wonder_Woman nyl
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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aryan826: nice i was wondering when this would make it here <3 saw it on the Hub a lil while back
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owar24: Wonder woman:- Powergirl, how do you like eggs?
Powergirl: - I like them to crash well against my ass and I
scrape well with the hairs of the shell and the internal edges of the eyelet and if the cock is small I put a couple of fingers and a
hose that rattles against the edges of the eyelet, and now
start pounding with a fucking national thing that I skip those
ovaries and remain stamped against the modular.
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dugle: Why is there so much porn on this site
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commierat: @dugle: Because it's a porn site, ya dingus
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Tomschiii: god, that is awful (the proportians and futa crap)
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aryan826: also wod be cool to get some of effect3Ds stuff on here but i duno if there are rules or copyright or whatever with that. but thye have been making some great stuff latley, they got like 4 magor series running
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aryan826: @Tomschiii: you know. i would probably say like the holocaust was awful, maybe if you don't like this something like 'this is not for me' would be more appropriate?
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Geordie: Why would you say a fictional event was awful...?
Well I guess the sequel trilogy was awful and that was fake too. Carry on.
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Tomschiii: @aryan826 its not for me AND its awful
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aryan826: @Tomschiii: :D that is YOOOOOOOOOOOUR opinion :D
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slappy1: It's FUTA-RIFFIC!
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Carvangar: Those proportions sure are something. :P Over the fucking top and then some. lol.
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haibai886: @Tomschiii: Aight fuck off then lol. I don't go to normie overwatch animations and bitch about how it doesnt cater to my fetishes
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havok6669: @haibai886: It is always the fetish stuff that brings complaints from people who are unappreciative of the work put in and feel entitled to have all content on the internet cater to their needs because there is in their mind a shortage of straight vanilla content out there. Rather than just look and see it isn't content for their bland tastes and move on they have to stop and QQ about how it isn't what they want and are offended by anything different XD I think it is amazing personally and if I didn't I would still appreciate the effort enough not to be negative.
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cremia: Nice quality but that huge dick is just dumd and out of proportions.
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Qwerty1724: The animation quality is fantastic, but I feel like your talent is wasted on futa stuff personally. To each their own and all
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shouri: Disappointed there wasn't more throat-bulging with how massive that cock is.
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rule34enthusiast: Everything being oversized makes it look dumb.
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BakaChu: Oversize just ruined this.

What a fantastic job otherwise. (No I won't get over it)
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Violence: Ataque cardiaco instantaneo al ver el video
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Tomschiii: @haibai886: i checked it out, watched it and just said the truth, simple as that. if you like futa, thats fine, if you like this shitty proportians, well, shitty taste
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Leety99: this been on pornhub for ages...
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aryan826: @Leety99: that was literally the first comment...
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haibai886: @havok6669: You need more periods and commas in that sentence. Anyways I agree, people will create and see what they want to see more of and it doesn't help you or anyone else to whine about it in comments of that content. Also it's funny as hell seeing you say there is a shortage of straight vanilla content because there is without a doubt an EXCESS of vanilla content. 80% of the posts to this and every other r34 site are white dicks fucking overwatch girls in the vagina and sometimes ass. Let the futas and other fetishes have their 10%. And I am saying this as a guy who doesn't like futa that much.
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haibai886: @Tomschiii: Nothing you said was the "truth" there are just opinions. This is fictional character porn, not science. If not being allowed to animate unrealistic things like larger dicks and boobs was the "truth" then no one would bother animating anymore. We'd all just go jerk off to the shit on pornhub like a bunch of prudes.
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soundtittydown: ....Anyway, these are nice. Great textures and smooth animation. Keep up the good work, nyl!
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goldgun: crap
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GameBabes: And I left the section of Claire Redfield just for this crap?
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Fox223029: Love me some wonder futa