Desolaterbrandon: @BBCrulesYOU: Isnt it funny you bitch about white men? Is it because you either lack faith in yourself, or is it because you are not white and just an extreme secret racist ;)
Lolman: FOR FUCK SAKE REALLY?We have this fast paced top tier animation quality and there is people bitching about color skin?go back to generalcuck if you want that kind of stuff.
EmptyMag: @BBCrulesYOU: So u only fap if the guy's color is dark, right? I never thought I would see some dude caring about the random male model instead of the main girl in the anim! (fuck the girl's color then? lmao)
nicegoing: @Slut_for_BWC: lmao, this dude pretending to a chick advertising BWC. no such thing as black cuck. go on spankbang, despite blacks making up minority the american animation, majority them videos feature BBC on a white girl. why yall white boys enjoy our dicks in your girls???
IRFanatic: So many people just complain on these comment sections when instead they should be praising the Amazing Animation skills and Quality that went into this piece of art! Beautiful animation and artwork here...a Definite masterpiece.
Gridrock: @TheBlueBlood: The only fag here is you, seeing you have nothing else to do in your sad life but be an obnoxious dipshit, and your comment here just shows it
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animation 10/10 <3
@BBCrulesYOU:Also you should really get laid, you insecure incel.
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And this is, coincidentally, some nicely animated porn. Kudos.