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danteman: Absolutely perfect
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Nipplesthesuperhippo: Of course one of you gay motherfuckers had to ruin a good thing.
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Shine: Jill kind of looks like a shemale in the remake anyway, so yeah.
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Mistame: @Nipplesthesuperhippo: Imagine bitching about art that wasn't made for you using words you clearly don't understand. If you don't like it, don't look at it.
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Eater_of_Flesh: @Shine: Actually now that you mention it, she does kinda look like the deaf guy in The Quiet Man. Kinda hard to unsee that now...
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FappingTimes: eww.....people really into this?
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Dankboy69: Imagine clicking something you dont enjoy, no need to deny it now.
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gavelfrost: @FappingTimes Yep, when you into girls, but not to shy about a dick. Not a big deal.
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ARegra34: The truth is that everyone here wants to suck Jill's dick, I don't deny that I go first!
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ThatgirlColdbluu91: ..... <3
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UnderCoverFap: I have to say, the SFM R3 REmake Jill turned out pretty good all things considered. Dentol is a good egg and does what he does best, futa. Also the screeching from the normies makes it all better. <3

@Shine I have to agree on Jill looking plain, not really a fan of her redesign in that regard.
