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Tags 3D Animated Blender Mercy Overwatch Sound generalbutch
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Rating Unrated


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BBCrulesYOU: Feels so good to be back on my man's cock! <3
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_dnoob: Hope she has a black baby or three by the end of this
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Dingoberry: Mr. popo gettin some action
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mcmanus: This brother is so black he's blue
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coloredconquerer: NIIICE
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sokumotanaka: @mcmanus: Actually that exist in states like Nigeria and certain parts of Africa.
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MarcusKane: Another pathetic trash from GB.
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DrPavel: Lol GB gets his vids taken down and then he tells everyone he's going to make more cuck shit to spite everyone. I used to defend GB but he's nothing more than a little cunt now. I hope people keep reporting his garbage.
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WeeWoo: Bruh y'all act like every dude has to be Casper the fuckn ghost.tbh if you that fuckin pale get out the damn house and get some sun.
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DrPavel: Yeah man, you could be as dark as charcoal like this guy.
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General_Butch: DRPAVEL u ar not mad coz i m doing what i always doing, YOu are mad coz i troleld u raicist fucks. Its quiet sad specially how much attention u ididots give me. LAst day i gained over 125 patreon after the 4 chan thing in a single day. SO keep hating
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Kuhaku: @DrPavel: Wait so you're mad that he's fighting against systemic racist trolling? Sounds like you're racist buddy lmao. But of course, you're not as bad as the actual ones voting GB down, you're worse, you're they're bitch lmao.
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General_Butch: @kuhaku DrPavel isa passive agressive pussy. No balls to Show his true self
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DrPavel: You're both so fucking pathetic. Kuhaku you're just an obvious third worlder cuck like GB is, which is why you think...animating cuckhold porn is fighting against "systematic racism," my god man are you from tumblr or is the water in India fucking your brain up?
Don't get me started on GB, dude can't accept ANY criticism, gets mad when someone says "hey is there a white versio of this" and tells them kill themselves, while crying about DA EVIL RACISTS DONT LIKE MUH BLACK MEN SO IM GONNA DRAW MORE BLACK MEN RAPING WHITE WOMEN TO MAKE THEM ANGRY" Then he's going to keep crying when his other stuff gets taken down.
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Strawman: @DrPavel You're having an argument in porn comments. Take a step back and think about that for a moment.
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Ugleboi: GB, so damn good that even their constant interracial animations puts up double digit numbers. If this was White on White the number of likes/favorites would have crashed the site.
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DrPavel: Usually I don’t respond like that but GB is on the same level of pretentiousness as Aardvark. Something happens then they attack their fans and post shit to spite them. You want to make cuck shit whatever. The fact that he posted that he was doing it purposely now to get people mad is what bugs me. Now I see why people shit on your garbage. Don’t cry the next someone takes down your trash.
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ProjectGenocide: I never liked the whole Cuckold theme. Thanks to all the propaganda associated with interracial porn these days, the genre is literately for weird ass White boys who are even more obessed about black dick than actual white women are and it's really sad as hell too because they honestly and strongly believe in that whole superiority BS. I can see why some people get angry at single moms who crossdress their sons and make them wear panties. A lot of these idiotic white males surely act like thats the type of upbringing they had with the way they be viewing shit. If blacks are so damn superior, someone explained to me why the fuck a white dude, took over their fucking culture and genre of music, his name happens to be Eminem. I'm pretty sure that mutha fucker no matter how shit his music really is can still take away half the white girls these so called superior black males are "dominating" away from their asses while their claiming to be this superior race and getting owned in their own damn culture by non-blacks. Talk about a dark day.
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DrPavel: That's the thing man, I'm not getting mad at the interracial. I don't look at the cocks, or the color. The cucking is the issue, but even then I can ignore it, but when a creator ACTIVELY does it to make people angry, than there's the issue right there.
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WeeWoo: Hmm you can't be real fans if you shit talk every one of his post.Also if you don't like the charcoal dicks why keep coming back?No one's forcing you to watch so called "cuck" porn.their fictional characters,How dafuk do you cuck a fictional character?
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DrPavel: The cucking isn't the issue. The REASON for the cucking is the issue. Theres a difference between GB going "Hm, I like this fetish" and "This fetish makes people mad, heh, gotta make these kids angry, heh that'll show them." Dude's completely fucked in the head because he thinks there's a conspiracy to stop his work. I wouldn't doubt he deleted the work himself and blamed it on racists.
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FappingTimes: Yep another race mixing propaganda
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FappingTimes: stop posting this
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General_Butch: ok DRPavel Tell me wher is the cukcing in this animtions. ANd tell me if its cucking, HOw you know her husband is white. A white woman cant have a black husband? Every time u see a black guy u assume her husband is white and he is getting cucked. STop refering about your real life on Animated porn OK. Get SOme Help
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General_Butch: and you do crave for black cock Pavel even when its not their. This raicist prick prteneds as if he supported me. Faking prick
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General_Butch: here is what hapapned, basically my mega gets taken down cause of reports, so i decided to take advantage of the situation and joke on my fans cause it was april fools and say that i wont use guys anymore in my anaimtion. And the racisit dumb fucks actually bought it . and now they are mad that i m continuing what i usually did
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General_Butch: further proofs to prove my point more that DRpave got cucked in real life.
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DrPavel: You see what I mean? I told you, the dude's attitude is the reason his shit's hated. The dude has a MASSIVE inferiority complex. Probably because he's a third worlder, so making videos like these makes him feel superior. Look at the anger and panic he's going through; it's unbelievably sad. He's worse than Aardvark and FOW when it comes to pretentiousness.
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General_Butch: and what about u. Refering every anim as cuck whenr thers no impication of cuck. U justa a sad loser. Before you know the hate was fun and logical. Now since u guys cant point out any technical issue, all u haters just going full on retard mode. You never go full retard
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syko136: don't quote Tropic Thunder
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General_Butch: i love how you hater ignore the facts i jsut gave u and diverting the main topic at hand. Give me a reason why this aniamtion was cuck. but u cant cause ur massive insecurites made u think it is. Either that or ur a sad cuck in real life. and a black guy is faking ur wife. SO u assume that. Cause i dont see any other reason really hahah
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WeeWoo: DrPavel so what your saying is every animation should have a pasty and charcoal version?Like id ok that if you know evey charcoal version wasn't down voted too hell while the pasty version has like zero downvotes.true equality right?
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WeeWoo: Seriously though y'all act like y'all entitled to a pasty version of every black animation.their are thumbnails for a reason bruh.You clearly see their is a black dude and still click on it anyways.Instead of demanding a white version why not make it yourself?problem solved.
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Anonymous1: You guys can't be serious. GB is entitled to make whatever the fuck he wants. If you don't like then stop looking at it and seeking it out you dumbasses. Stop bitching and move on with your life
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DrPavel: "Dude if you don't like his vids, just ignore them!"

Ok, let's go even further. "Dude, if someone doesn't like your vids, just ignore them," there we go GB. Problem solved, stop being a little cunt.
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Anonymous2: Man you really seem to be taking this shit personally. It's not that serious. What I said still applies if you don't like it stop looking at GB's stuff
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DrPavel: “It’s not that serious”
I agree GB. Calm down and stop being offended over some people not liking your stuff.

generalbutch - 30 Mar 20 16:04
JUst to be clear to everyone i m not sad or depressed about the whole thing. Infact i m happy. Now i will do cucky shit more openly. I left out the implication of it since most Softies cant take it. even though i only upload on twitter and my patreon, BUt now i wont care

Oh. He’s a little angry.
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General_Butch: SO i gueess you are angry cause i said that. ANd i didint put cucky stuff on my animations ? And that post was on Patreon. And noone of my patreon post are public . U are such a SIMP. U actually pledge to me on patreon HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
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BBCrulesYOU: Does anyone even know what the definition of cuck is anymore? I swear white men are the worst... "She has the same skin complexion as me, therefor she is muh woman!! and if a black man is fucking her, it's cuck porn!!" You racist trolls need to seriously get out the house. Racism is a mental illness, The only body you own is your own. There's plenty of vanilla on vanilla porn on this site. GB doesn't owe you racist losers shit!
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DrPavel: Hey GB you do realize that there’s sites that can rip patreon stuff for free right? Like anyone can get your stuff without paying? You didn’t know that? Hell you stalk 4chan comments, I’m surprised you didn’t see all your shit being posted FOR FREE.
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Slut_for_BWC: "I swear white men are the worst"
" Racism is a mental illness"
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BBCrulesYOU: @DrPavel: Sites like that can only rip if a patreon is doing that. I know what site you're talking about. They can't rip Patreon posts at will. They need a patreon to do it.
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DrPavel: Yes. For the people ripping his stuff. But for others like me who don't actually need to pay anything, All I gotta do is type in the name, and boom, free patreon stuff.
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General_Butch: i dont get it, Yes infact my patreons knows that shit too. ANd all of the 1360 People that supprots me supports me for my hard work not for exclusive stuff. BUt thats not the point. YOu ahve to be a patreon to actually see the post. U clearly supported me then got pissed coz u got trolled hard. ON top of that as i mentions i never stalk 4 chan but i do now. Heres the thing I m the pimp ANd u haters are my HOES. As soon as i light Up the match u all spread like wild fire bringing new People. SOme just like u yes. BUt mostly New Fans. ANd i love my fans
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General_Butch: oh almost fort my patreon is charge up front. SO any of u counting on drPAvels Ignorant statement and try to tip my stuff. Just know u will be charaged > U cant refund ur mone. SO be careful what u do
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DrPavel: Holy shit you're retarded man. The people UPLOADING the videos pay for it. For people like me who download or want to see what's in the patreon, you just type the name in. That's it.
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WeeWoo: DrPavel i think you just outed yourself.If everything you said is true then why are typing his shit in and downloading it if you hate interracial porn and his content?
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DrPavel: Bruh. Are you retarded as well? There's a site. Where people take patreon stuff. And other people can look and see the posts that's patreon only. No one is obligated to do ANYTHING. You're not that retarded. Come on. It's a site that everyone knows.
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WeeWoo: Even then its clear u hate the mans content so why do orbit it still?He's not going to do pasty versions as he stated so why bother trying to force someone to make shit they said over and over they won't theirs thousands of other animators that do exclusively pasty so why not go there?
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General_Butch: haha DRpavel Actually lost it. I now feel bad for him
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DrPavel: I don't care about the skin color, I'm not focusing on the guy.That's what I've been saying the whole time. It's GeneralBitches attitude when someone doesn't like his shit. The funny thing is how he pretends none of this is affecting him when everyone knows he's seething. It's ok GB, post more cuck shit to "make the antis angry," that'll show them. He's literally been so angry, he's been crying about this on 4chan, it's utterly sad
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ATFkilledmypupper: GB poked the hornests nest. Don't poke the hornets nest.
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imp_ulse: @DrPavel, good god, could you be father up GB's ass and in his shit? You're literally cucking yourself in the comments, You clearly do not like the content yet you wont stop looking at it, that is textbook cucking. Skin color has fuck all to do with it.
pretending to not like something then watching it anyway, protesting so you can get your humiliation on..... yeah your clicking off all the boxes.

"DrPavel: How could you do this to us GB! as you give his content your undivided attention and keep coming back for more....."
Just accept your a cuck DrPavel, acceptance is the first step. Or is that part of your kink, does admiting it stop your little peen from getting hard?
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syko136: nobody this black exists.