Ftgyu: Somebody please drop a link for that dong model (or texture for shaotek's male if that's what it is) I wanna make stuff asap but I can't find the motherfucker anywhere.
zombod: @Ftgyu i asked someone on twitter who was using it. they said it was made by MagMallow but it was removed off of sfmlabs. even with this information i still couldent find it. i gess you may have to go and ask them direcly...
zombod: @Ftgyu: i asked someone on twitter who was using it. they said it was made by MagMallow but it was removed off of sfmlabs. even with this information i still couldent find it. i gess you may have to go and ask them direcly...
(me stupid for thining @ was the way to reply :P)
Ftgyu: Thx a lot man. I can't find anything either but I see everyone using that particular model ( even the newbies) , so there must up for grabs alrite. Prob in a discord
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(me stupid for thining @ was the way to reply :P)