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Secone: why not make EDI a sub for once ONCE
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LouisCK: I miss those guys
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Greywolf: The script and voicework is excellent.
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HotRettas: My god this was hilarious and hot as fuck. Finally a futa that makes sense.
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Eater_of_Flesh: Not usually one for chicks-with-dicks, but with EDI it actually makes sense. And with Tali on the receiving end? Yes please can't wait for more of this.
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Futtglit: That's FAN-TAS-TIC.
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aryan826: good god that is impressive
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Harveytherabbit: Who is voice acting this? They are unbelievably impressive, it sounds exactly like Tali, inflection, tonality, personality, it's absolutely wonderful! If it's the same woman adapting her voice then it's even better. And also the effects are dead on for both voices. Truly amazing setup and the animation and lipsync is right there as well. Environment sound effects too. Just well fucking done across the board. This type of thing is why I can't stand people who are like "Who cares, it's just porn." That's why porn sucks by and large. There's no reason it can't be given attention to detail.
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Gromnir: Very impressive all around.
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McCallaX: @Secone: Finally someone said it! EDI constantly has a dick!, though she deserves to be on the receiving end of one. Something that almost never happens. In general, Mass Effect has just been completely hijacked by the FUTA-clans.