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Secone: i knew it would be shitty, before i clicked, i even came back from tumblr to say it again, you fucking suck GreatM8, WEAK
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DrPavel: Considering half the shit you favorite is crappy and poorly animated loli trash, I'd say that's a compliment.
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theBrain101: The only good thing to come from the new trilogy is the porn. It's sad, really.
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BG: @Secone: Yeah, question; who asked?
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syntheticisms: Kinda wish he'd've taken the guro route since Pestil pretty much died.
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Harveytherabbit: You need to take this down... Disney doesn't play well with those who post deleted scenes online
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cleavers: Beats the hell out of the other shit greatm8 makes with those derpy models. Great stuff.
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Debthrowaway: Haters gonna hate. This is awesome.
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wapi: idk maybe you dont like what models/universe he uses, but the animation part is one of the best:
not a 30 frame loop, details, expression, is far more important than just a "zoom on that anus stretched" with the worst angle possible (which is a cheap way to not animate)
haters gon hate ^
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foxymrk: I think it's super hot. Really well animated, as usual. Reminds me a little too much of the selfdrillingsms animation.
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jk22: This is awesome
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Secone: @DrPavel: lol xD
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Secone: @Incelebrity: that is very cute actually ^^
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kragen: i think this is really good!
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danuis: I wish it turned on in her. End the whole fucking idiocy of the ST.
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SteelWolf89: I'm always with you. Always.