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Tags 3D Animated Blender Rapunzel Sound Tangled redmoa
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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blackguyewbye: god bless redmoa
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Shine: ^ Why? Because he keeps making cock teasing, anti-climatic, male pampering bullshit? You might as well be saying thou blessed the penis so that it may jizz on thee. Faggots.
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player-1: We get it, walked in on your dad getting a footjob and sperged so hard over it he left your family in shame, thus you spend your days hating on EVERY footjob post on this site in the hopes he'll see the error of his ways.

Sperg on, Shine. Daddy will come home some day! ( ;_;)7
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Silverscorpionsfm: Weaponized atusim again over good animations again ...
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FootmanJeff: Now that's what I'm talkin bout! This is the perfect animation for Rapunzel.
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Webmoin: true, never understood this footcrap. Just give me the old-fashioned in-out in-out
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FootmanJeff: "yall need some serious mental health counseling" I could say the same thing about people who get turned on my plain old vaginal porn.
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kragen: i'm just glad there's another Rapunzel video! not really my cup of tea, but an excellent video none the less graphically!!! maybe next time dressed just the way she is she can jump on that thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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manumer: Another redmoa's video wasted on footfaggotry
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LinP00: I love this!
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Shine: If there's one thing about Redmoa and foot fags, it's that they deeply and passionately love the penis. They'll lie and say it's all about the feet, but if that were true, they wouldn't be drooling over stupid faggoty shit like this. They'd be calling for her toes to get sucked and her feet to be massaged. Not rubbing a dick because that's nothing but pampering a man. Which you're all clearly more interested in than pleasuring a woman.
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Gridrock: To sum up redmoa's content: smooth movie-quality animation but lame as hell all around in terms of action, yeah such wasted talent, I agree with the folks that are not into this.
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Thedark07: Finally the porn ad is getting an update.
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Harveytherabbit: Get some perspective, gentlemen. I don't understand footfetishes either, but this is just fun as hell. There's so few porn animations or porn in general where this sort of level of fun is depicted. You don't always have to be turned on only in your dick, you can be turned on in your mind by a scene or a character or a feeling. Seeing Rapunzel, especially if you loved Tangled like I did, having fun like this makes me smile and it is within character and she's just as fun as she was within the world built for her. It totally fits that she would discover sex this way and act this way with Flynn if this were a canon expansion of that universe.

You don't always have to see porn and just beat off, let yourselves be turned on in more ways than one.
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Colonel_Mael_Radec: Why do people insist on wasting energy getting mad at a fetish they don't like? Just move on and forget it.
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Shine: Harveytherabbit: Nah, dawg. When I see a dude getting pampered in porn like he's preciously little snowflake, that shit annoys me. He should be the one pampering her but that's never the case because self-inserts are always being treated like they're the desirable one. It's disregarding her pleasure for the sake of his, to which I must say fuck that. There's nothing 'fun' about watching dicks getting played with. Pussies are way more pleasing to look at but we rarely see porn focused on those because the fags that be want to see a man being the center of attention.
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masher: I have yet to see Shine enjoy anything. The fact I recognize the name despite them not being a content creator is wild. Shine treats this site like it's an art museum and they just have to go to each and every post and critique it. I don't think they even masturbate here.
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mal_man: Calm down homophobe. Ever consider the idea that a woman could get pleasure from pampering someone else? You show up in almost every one of these and complain. I would ask you to stop, but it's pretty hilarious at this point.
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Shine: I give praise when it's due, and I have for a number of things on here. I just don't have shit taste like 99% of you. And you probably haven't noticed me giving praise when I do because it's hard to see through all the fanboys gurgling cock soup.
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DarkRoxasXV: Ok yeah this is pretty good ngl
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Shine: @mal_man: Ever considered the idea that far more women prefer being pampered than doing the pampering? They've even written songs about it. Because of dickhead morons like you who think all women want to do is suck you off and shit. That's the main problem with (straight) porn, it's made and directed by dumbass guys who only think about themselves.
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cleavers: yawn
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LouisCK: >footshit
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MrMaggot: Shine sounds like some chick who irrefutably hates men because none of 'em eats out her never-cleaned pussy. And if they ain't a chick... then I must know what psychological trauma they must have experienced for them to be like this. For science.
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Fryguy: @skipper03: Really? I'm not a foot guy myself but having a foot fetish is one of THE most common/tame fetishes to have. I'm guessing you've never seen guro/vuro before, count
yourself lucky.@Webmoin:
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syko136: as a person on the spectrum could y'all not insult me by calling Shine names that compares them to me? it's really not cool.
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syko136: even if it is true, which i will give you, is very likely. but even then, we're giving them an excuse to act like this. we can't really help it, ya know? our brains be broke.
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blackguyewbye: if you needle-dicked ingrates want tailored content from redmoa you're free to open up your wallet and pay for it
otherwise you can sit there and discontentedly jack off like you're going to anyway
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blackguyewbye: like damn imagine getting a free slice of cake and going "wow really? vanilla frosting again? you know i like chocolate. the next one should have chocolate frosting. don't waste my time with this shit." and then you get kicked out of the birthday party for being a cunt
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MrMaggot: ^ That analogy basically sums it up.
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wexington: @FootmanJeff because our species and most of the animal species on earth are wired like that
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Shine: @MrMaggot: Imagine a guy being like I am because he likes women more than men. I know, when you're such a fag it's nearly impossible to comprehend.

@blackguyewbye: No, it's more like going to a restaurant to order some cake but the only thing they offer is sausage. And when you look around, you see all the other customers are savoring their 'meals' by sucking on them. Is it ungrateful for going "I'm never paying for this shit."? No, it's logical. Meaning if they don't make anything that 'inspires' you to pay them, why the fuck would you.
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ynysmon: this is fucking fantastic.
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benston: Amazing work!
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Harveytherabbit: @Shine: I'm honestly not sure why you equate a woman doing things to a man who's not at that exact moment reciprocating as pampering without her in mind. Like I mentioned the character and scene obviously dictate she's having fun and she's enthralled by the concept of it. Obviously if she were bored as shit this would be a worthless scene since it would be out of character for her as well.

This is more an innocent girl's foray into dominating. Think of it from a woman's perspective, you're correct, they historically have been victims and prizes in war and... everything really. The thing I enjoy about porn and why I respect it so much is I learn about my subconscious, my baser instincts, and have to face them and grow. I enjoy fake rape because it allows one to enjoy a scene of dominance without consequence because modern society has evolved, and I have to steadily grow with it. Bestiality follows a similar mindset where an animal can't logically be blamed for baser instincts, which we all have underneath our higher consciousness whether we like it or not.

There is nothing that says here that after he came he didn't sit up and lick her into cumming 7 times in a row in that chair, the problem is your attitude and perspective about all of this, and that is the point of fantasy. You are ironically inserting your own prejudice into this scene and then blaming others for it being self-insert pampering, which also means you haven't considered that she is getting turned on by the situation herself.

In short, you're being exactly as closed-minded about this as you claim others are being and inserting your own beliefs. You're blaming others without acknowledging that you yourself have the same exact issue. Everyone mirrors your strengths and weaknesses around you, it's just how well our egos protect us from recognizing it. This is why I don't uselessly say things like 'it's just porn' because I've learned more about humanity and myself through porn than most other things because I didn't pretend that I'm better than it. The skill of these creators alone demands respect.
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akasection: Oh this was good! Small feet are so sexy
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Shine: @Harveytherabbit:

1. It's pampering because it's the kind biased trash that these dickforbrains like and never see the folly of. Porn where a man's pleasure is being prioritized while the girl's is completely ignored. Show me the female equivalent of something like this that's not futa. There's precious little.

2. The morons who equate footjobs to dominating are the reason why most femdom is so retarded. No girl wants to dominate by simply placing her foot on guy's dick. It's your bullshit fetishizations that put YOUR kinks above hers. You want to believe that if she had her way, the first thing she'd do is something that pleasures you. Because she's too stupid and innocent to want anything for herself. That's the kind of absurdity I'm always pointing out with these things. Because you know Redmoa is definitely not going to make a follow-up animation where he 'sits up and licks her until she cums 7 times in a row'. He only makes crap that revolves around teasing and pleasing males. Which is why he's such a colossal waste of talent.
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Harveytherabbit: @Shine: Remember that fetishes and porn are designed for fantasy. There's no problem with people objectifying women in porn as long as they recognize it's not reality. No matter what nobility we have, what always makes us climax at the last moment comes down to our own mind and what we think about the situation, and again, no matter how noble a sentiment, in the end we are all selfish in the moment of climax and only thinking about how good it feels.

I have accepted that these animated versions of things are an outlet to let the absurd occur and gain enjoyment from them. A woman doesn't moan while being raped, but I still want to hear that because real rape is never enjoyable for the woman, so that same concept exists as what you describe, that in the end the pleasure of the woman is still something I seek, even in a situation where that would never happen. I equate this to the same concept in reverse, where maybe yes a footjob is boring and stupid from the female perspective, but why can't that exist in fantasy?

Baser instincts want to conquer a female, and it's not something anyone's proud of, but we also cannot deny that such a thing exists in all men no matter what we choose to deny. It's how nature works even if we can't fathom it. Creatures kill and eat others alive in horrid ways, and mating is something that is often synchronized with killing the mate. Nature gives us perspective that even our craziest fetishes are not abnormal to nature in some form, but we have the consciousness to analyze them and grow as people.

Regardless of your fetish enjoyment, since I don't get anything from the footjob either, more from Rapunzel's having so much fun, that is the perspective we should be taking. Porn is entertainment like anything else, so getting angry or judgmental about the fetish itself is a waste of our energy. My only hope is that people don't turn porn into reality and expectations on reality, because that is what destroy's perspective.
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8880888: nevermind me i just eating popcorn reading the comments and laughing my ass off butthurt faggots that complain this animation doesnt suit them xD
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MrMaggot: We be reading full on essays because one guy doesn't know how to click off something he doesn't like and resorts to 3rd grade insults when someone disagrees with his tastes. I love it.
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MrMaggot: Actually, I just realised I'm guilty of the former half of my statement lol. Oh well. Guess it can't be helped. Shine's still insufferable though.
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USAgent: All that talent and work wasted on something as unfulfilling as a fucking footjob. Jesus.
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aryan826: ooo everyone at it again :D go back to your closets everyone lets keep it clean in here shall weeeeeeee
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NinjaJay2417: Not a fan of foot fetish stuff, but hope they'll just fuck eventually
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mal_man: Harvey you're a god damned porn philosopher. I love it. Well reasoned and humble argument.

Shine, I suggest you acquaint yourself with "the principle of charity" before you misrepresent another person's views for the umpteenth time. And if you actually don't have a problem with homosexuals, then why do you throw the pejorative epithets around so much relating to them?
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soundtittydown: I'm not a fan of feet either but this was cute and fun!

shine's obsessed with dicks, like dude just own up to it. Dicks are cool, no shame in being obsessed, but projecting this much can't be good for you
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McCallaX: Great work on animation. But GOD was I hoping she would just sit on that dick...
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huskermania: It's weird how hands, a mouth, or a vagina would do this better in every way, shape, and form with less effort.

The animation quality is spectacular though.
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Xyoracle: sorry girls, @Shine only jacks off to animated pussy
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Starchild34: >imagine being a registered user in ruler34hentai, clicking on Tangled porn, and calling others "dickforbrains"