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Tags 3D Animated Blender Brigitte_Lindholm Overwatch kissfm
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Rating Unrated


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Gridrock: Quite a tan Brigitte has gotten haha, nice work kiss :)
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DuhBeast: The tattoos are lame
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DarkPhynix: Outdoor snow ... indoor brigitte with sunburn :D
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Dyme: Love this
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aryan826: very nice, but yah also kinda feel like the tats are outa place. and lets just assume there is a tanning bed in her workshop :P
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Faplord: The workshop is wide open to a snowing weather though, and they are having sex like 2 meters away ^ ^;
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Icekatana: No one does better females riding dick, than Kiss. Look at that pussy grip too. This requires sound and a blacked version. An anal version of both would be really nice too. Magnificent.
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Urdnot_Wrex: That's the kinda thing that just tickles my balls!
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DuhBeast: You ask for too much icekatana
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ThatgirlColdbluu91: not bad
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Icekatana: I realize that what I request might seem demanding. It's just a request. I don't feel it is unreasonable, though, because this is just a 4 second loop.
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DrPavel: Why do you need a different cock color weirdo?
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IRFanatic: @Icekatana: I feel the Exact same way...would love to see all of what you requested/suggested. As for asking why he wants to see a different colored cock...You guys DO realize that different people like different things. Maybe he is black and he prefers to see her fucking a black dude so it feels more to him like he is in that lucky dudes place. You don't really know so why call him a weirdo. So many of you guys on here are SO Fucking Strange and just quick to attack someones tastes, fetishes, or likes, when in reality, you don't even know the person. Just feel like being an ass for NO reason other than to be one. Makes NO Sense to me. As for this Animation...its Incredible, Perfect work from Kiss who is one of the BEST artists out there. Who The FUCK cares if she has a tan, or if there are tattoos on her, it's really REALLY Well done and she looks Crazy HOT! The Animation work is FUCKING ON POINT and the Quality is THRU THE FUCKING ROOF!!! Yet all MOST Of you can do is Complain, Nitpick and tear other people down for their differnces...which is just Stupid and unnecessary. Just Enjoy the Free content that gets provided here and STFU, cuz you are all Nothing but TOXIC Crybabies! I personally LOVE art in general, but I prefer to see certain things as well, and I have NO Reason to explain my reasons. Just Enjoy the art, and be positive. Constructive Criticism is good, but complaining about DAMN NEAR Everything all the time is just Stupid and Not needed. I think this is an Incredible work and even though I would Also like to see variations like Ice asked about....I still LOVE the Base Animation and think its EXCELLENT Work from one of the BEST 3D Artists in the Game! Keep up the Amazing work Kiss! If you decide to do the Blacked Version....and/or Both Versions in Anal instead of Vaginal, and add sound, that would be Amaazing. If' still an Amazing Animation!
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el-thor: @Icekatana: No it doesn't, get lost with your blacked non sense.
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DrPavel: I'm not reading all that you fucking queer. Stop self inserting in porn.
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Icekatana: It's just choice. I want him to keep doing the white stuff too. But, like FPSBlyck, I think it's better when there are options. Click on the one you prefer.