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General_Bitch: these tifa animations are starting to become garbage and everywhere just like Overwatch.
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italiansausage: not quite tifa... more like a cg of an asian woman cosplaying as tifa
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haibai886: @skipper03: lol overwatch got old after the 10th dva/mercy animation
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HentaiFapper: I never get bored of jerking to Widowmaker.
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BlackLeopard12: BELLISIMO!
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Ruras: ITT: people unironically complaining about Tifa getting old while asking for more Overwatch. That sure is a take if I've ever seen one.
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scifi: It's a quality animation but the make up/face is a bit off. The tarted up look with the make up doesn't suite Tifa IMHO.
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Ruras: @Ruras: I don't get why you keep comparing Tifa to the whole cast of female characters from Overwatch. Just limiting your choice to the first episode of FF7 remake you also have Aerith, Jessie, Scarlet and Kyrie. The second one will, at the very least, also introduce Yuffie and Helena, and by the third one the cast will probably get close to the size of OW. Tifa being overly done is just the result of her 20+ years of popularity among people who fapped to her even before most of the people who fap to Overwatch were even born, nothing really surprising with that. Besides, it will probably take another good 1-2 years to even reach the amount of animations the least popular character from OW received. So yeah, just admit your bias towards other franchises and be done with it.
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Ruras: @skipper03: I meant to quote you btw.
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TheCollector200: I'm just stoked to get so much Aerith, personally. Sure, there's the odd crappy Tifa animation from the pre-remake days, but Aerith had one animation from OCboon, and that's about it. More quality FF7, the better.
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USAgent: The makeup on her face makes her look weird. But yeah no I'll never get fucking tired of Tifa or Overwatch.
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DuhBeast: Tifa and red lips stick don't go well.