Lyras88: why do black guys always want to fuck white women and not black women? because black guys are just like everyone and don't want to waste their time with useless shit HAHAHAHA xD
WeeWoo: @Lyras88 That's a fairly simple answer.Im a black guy so You can run with this but black women are mostly a pain in the ass They are mad stubborn and If you tell them the sky is blue they will argue that no matter what.And even if you present facts and evidence thats irrefutable they will still argue.Also they love to talk shit about black men putting them down any chance they get.Other races don't do that.So it baffles me why anyone from any other race would want to put up with that type of negativity.White guys for your own safty stay away from black woman.The risk strongly out weights the reward.
WeeWoo: @imegerih hmmm last I looked in the mirror I was black but ok.My guess would be you think that cause of my grammar.Theres are a handful of us black ppl who actually talk with common sense so Im one of the lucky ones.
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