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aryan826: hmm what a coincidink i just did a GC mass effect fap run yesterday :P
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beefers: futa trash
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aryan826: @beefers: feel free to lighten up any time now :)
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beefers: @aryan826: feel free to fuck off.
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aryan826: @beefers: but that wont make me happy. think my solution might ;)
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beefers: @aryan826: I don't give a fuck what makes you happy.
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aryan826: @beefers: but i care what makes you happy. And lightening up probibaly will. Just cause someone treated you bad once apon a time dosnt make it ok for you to treat everyone else bad. Give being nice a try and maybe you will feel better.
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beefers: @aryan826: Maybe it's my own fault for subjecting myself to so much garbage just to find the few hidden gems I actually like and I'm asking too much of people not to be disgusting, deranged, misogynistic, hateful perverts. Believe me, if there was a site that was just vanilla lesbian stuff featuring video game characters, you'd never see me again.
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beefers: @aryan826: oh, and asking a person on the autism spectrum to "lighten up" is like asking the ocean not to be so wet.
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aryan826: @beefers: being on the spectrum is not an excuse, almost everyone i talk to is including myself. you may not like some or most things here or the people, but they where not created to make you feel bad, that jsut happens to be a side effect. you on the other hand deliberately try to put everything else down. no reasonable person will judge you for not liking something, but dont act like a dik and then blame it on something else other than your own choices.
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beefers: @aryan826: I don't like those things (and say so) because they are offensive, not simply because I don't like them. Those are not equal concepts. The fact that you (or anyone else) does like them doesn't alleviate them from being offensive, it means you like something that is offensive and I have a problem with that. This really isn't that hard to understand. And no, you "and everyone you talk to" are on the spectrum because it's statistically impossible. I don't use it as an excuse (which shows your lack of understanding what autism is), I use it to give context.
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aryan826: @beefers: nothing is inherently universaly offensive. It is entirely subjective. What is offensive to one person is not offense to someone else. You dont like stright sex. Straight sex is not offensive. Almsot Every living thing since life began has engaged in it in order to survive. You would not exist without it. So feel free to dislike it but you are not doing so because it is offensive.
And i dod not say everyone i said almost everyone. I only regularly talk to about 6 people. I am very antisoci in day to day life i do not talk to anyone. Of those 6 people talk to 5 of them are either confirmed on the spectrum or it is highley responsibility they are. And you do use it as an excuse. You can have involuntary actions that you take responsibility for. But doing something and saying oh well im autistic. Is an excuse.
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usernameuseruser: would you two just fuck already
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aryan826: :) you are not helping :D
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syko136: i guess this is the difference between high functioning autism and, whatever beefers has.