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unavailableID: I guess she doesn't have a back
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DrPavel: Ah, back to the cringey fetish shit GB. Typical shitskin
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trollface: Where the hell is her body? This is legit unsettling just due to the body proportions lol
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bodat: @DrPavel And yet you keep clicking on his vids to see blacks guys railing fictional characters.
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WeeWoo: @DrPavel: I swear at this point your just fuck'n retarted.You come back to the man's post just to bitch everytime.Like I dont click on gay porn just to bitch in the comments section about how much I hate gay porn.You definitely a closet cuck.No willing racist shithead would continuously go to black porn unless they liked it in secret.
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WeeWoo: @ProjectGenocide: My dude its fictional characters having fictional sex.What part of that is hard to comprehend?You think every woman wants a hateful racist cunt?Last I checked no.
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Icekatana: Her entire back is missing. What a horrible and lazy shortcut. I don't mind interracial, but keep the NTR/cuck shit out of it.
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General_Bitch: Pixie Willow is so fucking cringe.
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manumer: Nice
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HVLsfm: I love GB's works, Pixie is an incredible VA, but gotta admit the dialog was too cringe in this one I had to mute.
Still hot as fuck.
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DrPavel: Is there any worse argument then "heh dont click on it then lol." I'd put it ahead of "well if you dont like it then just make your own!"
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WeeWoo: You the retard clicking on shit you hate just to bitch about how much you hate it.Again you definitely must be a closet cuck if you keep coming back.
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HeHeBOI: I have to agree with the body proportions.. usually GB doesnt go to overboard with the thickness level but Yen literally has no fucking back... Its like 4inches of a spine lmao
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DrPavel: Wee, please don't use broken English. Oh, wait. This is GB in disguise. Of fucking course.
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Jsrt: In order for it to be NTR/Cuck shit there needs to be another man there to be cucked. Do you see another man there? If not then shut the fuck up.
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WeeWoo: Broken English?Dafuk you talking about fool?If i was gb i wouldn't even be talking to a dumbass like you man.You willingly go to shit just to get triggered.shows your IQ lvl.
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genyatus: Is it just me or is GB getting lazier? Feels like the VAs are putting more effort into these than he is. Disappointing really.
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Icekatana: She turns to the camera and says. "Is this what you wanted, honey?" That is, by definition, cuck/NTR. Try to keep up. moron.
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DrPavel: Yeah GB is having a mental breakdown, just like when he attacked other animators and begged people to report them. Typical cuck.
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General_Bitch: GB is black, black dudes can't be cucks retard.
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Silverscorpionsfm: Learn English you fucking retard anyone can get cucked aka be a cuckold regardless of race and or gender.
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General_Bitch: I am speaking English, maybe you're too much of a fucking retard to read it. And no, black men can't be cucks because the fetish itself doesn't allow for it. That's why losers like you get mad at fictional white women getting their insides fucked inside out by black dudes, stay mad. LMFAO
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Silverscorpionsfm: Lol you sound like such "smart guy" I bet you think black people can't be racist. See you obviously don't understand English nor the fetish which was invited by the French. Omg you GB dick gobbler you wish I was mad thanks for the laugh. I'm mixed so miss with your race bait and keep proving me right. I knew your dumbass would spout stupid shit.
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trollface: Nothing to do with race. Jesus fuck, your stupidity made me side with Silverscorpion.

1. (informal•US) a weak or servile man (often used as a contemptuous term for a man with moderate or progressive political views).
2. a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful; a cuckold.

1. the husband of an unfaithful wife.
2. to make a cuckold of (a husband).
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Silverscorpionsfm: Cuckquean

A wife who is compliant in her fetish for her husband's unfaithfullness or adultery. The female equivalent of the male cuckold. Comes from the Old English word cwene, meaning Queen. The true cuckquean will be a willing participant in the sex act between the husband and the third part female and may be subjected to humiliation and degraging sexual acts by both husband and partner.

Now I'm done and Trollface already explained the male version. If you don't understand after this just do everyone a favor and destroy your computer and read a book.
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General_Bitch: You dumb fucks are missing the point. "Gay" means happy, how many people use the word "Gay" in that context? Exactly, you dumb fucks want to spout literal definitions to prove your point, while neglecting the impact culture has on a word. Jesus fuck you retards are giving me cancer.
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Silverscorpionsfm: Please get cancer so the world can be cured of your stupidity. I knew you were fucking stupid but my fucking God. Beat you with with context first then definitions. Everything you said has already been debunked but you're too stupid comprehend English , context or culture context of the animation. You move the goal post only furthering your stupidity good thing I got popcorn ...
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General_Bitch: LOL living in fuck's head rent free. Get my dick out of your mouth.
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aryan826: W9ah everbody cool it wtf :D <3
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Silverscorpionsfm: Damn I got you replying so fast and you say I'm rent free lol. Kid go get a beer while I ass fuck yo girl you can watch when you get back cuck lol.

Aryan but trolling him is so fun :D
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aryan826: But being nice is even better i promice <3 <3 <3
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ProjectGenocide: I mean interracial porn in general is only popular because of BLACKED.COM and their nothing more than Propaganda pushing Jewish fucks using black men to fulfill an agenda. I'm pretty sure Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and every other small Asian dude would have no trouble what so ever fucking these black dudes up in a fight no matter how big and alpha they try to act while fucking useless white girls that believe in their minds "ooo I'm replacing black women."
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genyatus: I love just how the whole BLACKED thing has subtle hints of beastiality with "breeding" and the like.
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Icekatana: Just because a small handful of fuckwits use "cuckold" and "interracial" as synonyms, doesn't mean the words magically change their meaning. It just means that the people that are missing the words are fucking stupid. I don't care if most of cuckold porn involves blacks or not. That's just a trend and doesn't change the word's meaning. Shall we really change how we use words based on porn of all things? If that's the case, then "Daddy" can no longer be used by real daughters and fathers. You are mindbogglingly stupid, General_Bitch. It's because of people like you that "irregardless" is now in the dictionary. We can't offend the dumb people, so I guess he have to add words that don't exist now. You absolute cunt.
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WeeWoo: This is all dumb..General Bitch black men can get cucked but its usually by another black man sleeping with his woman.It happens alot more than you think.why do you think there are so many black women with multiple kids by different men?
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General_Bitch: @ProjectGenocide, please get the most painful form of cancer, and then die.
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usernameuseruser: how is any of this discussion relevant to the video?
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FACKYAFACEHA: People pulling "definitions" of cuck out of their ass like the word was invented by Merriam dictionary, lol. The actual origin of the word and most "proper" definition is from Shakespeare's "Othello". The word has a very specific meaning i.e. a man who has been tricked into raising another man's child, and is based on the parasitic cuckoo bird that tricks other bird species into raising their young (which then hatch and consume the host brood). It's a neutral, non-fetish word that applies to anyone (Othello, the original character it applied to, was black).

HOWEVER, The modern slang version of the word has come to mean any male who is cheated on or prone to being cheated on and originated solely due to the popularity of fetish porn. It was created by, and mostly belongs to, white males. That's how it lives in the collective consciousness, which is the only thing that matters when it comes to slang. Don't believe me? Look up "cuckold" on any porn site. The "cuck" is white 99% of the time. You can SAY it means something else but no one (including yourself, let's be real) will believe you. That's just how culture works sometimes.

It might not seem fair to you but that's just how it is. Any assertion to the contrary is just your own personal mental gymnastics. The trope predates BLACKED or even the internet so don't bother blaming some imaginary clandestine Jewish cabal, blame white males themselves. The fetish has existed since VHS home videos and probably, as far as we know, ever since blacks arrived on this continent. So unless you're literally talking about a man who raises another man's child, it's not really "cuckoldry" if the victim isn't white, it's just called infidelity.
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GroovyKing: @WeeWoo: Retarted? Guess who's the real retard.