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WeeWoo: Can't wait for the autism from ppl who click on the obvious interracial porn and bitch about a fictional character having sexual relations with a fictional black guy.Like any normal person who hated something would just avoid it altogether but not some high IQ folks.
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blargmuffin: Eh, the black dude can stay, but fat Samus needs to hit the gym.
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gibpuzz: I'm more worried about her damn spine then anything else. I swear his poses just get more and more ridiculous
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azrin: @WeeWoo: There's no difference between them, and the people who bitch about them bitching.
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blacky: Get a nice view of titties and ass.
I appreciate the effort to put in dialogue to add a situational context but this B needs to stfu a tad more.
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vexenz: @azrin: The difference is those people aren't constantly clicking on something they claim to hate
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Lyras88: white women are the most beautiful in the world, of course all black guys want to fuck white women
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WeeWoo: @azrin: Nah there's a big difference as what vexenz said.Idk how stating obvious facts is bitching but ok my were planning to start bitching and I triggered you by calling out your cancerous kind?Dont answer I already know. ;)
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ASK: My only complaint is the subject of the dialogue, itself. I mean, the scenario is this chick having an affair while bitching about her husband. So my question is, if she doesn't love the guy, why did she even marry him in the first place? It obviously wasn't for money, if she's working. So what the hell?
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aryan826: that is quite the angle :D <3
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TwiddleMyFiddle: @ASK The thrill of cheating and being able to get away with it.
Also that butt jiggle is crippling me
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mehgusta: oh my fucking god this hands down the best voice acting i've ever heard in porn... if only her dialogue wouldn't be so shitty, or at least she wouldn't have that dumb tattoo on her tit so it wouldn't contradict what she says. otherwise top notch animation, as expected from G_B
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ProjectGenocide: @skipper03: So glad I'm not the only person that thinks like you do as a black man. And I dont even like white women at all. I Find them extremely disgusting and self hating how the majority of them nowadays figured out twerking and think they can replace black females. Then they run their fake asses around trying to look like black women. Mean while the only excuse black dudes can come up with is "Oh black women are too aggressive" talking like a bunch of weak ass pussies when in reality they just hate their own women. But their willing to jump in some white pussy, the same white pussy that wants to be black itself. I remember one of my female friends I went to school with said she went to one of them "twerk" classes just for the hell of it and it was literately 99% white girls up in that bitch. No black women at all.
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ProjectGenocide: @skipper03: Another reason I can't stand them is that they want to be black so bad, but without the hardships of a black person. They just want to keep their privilege of being desirable young white girls who can get their asses to look like our girls, dance like our girls, listen to the music we listen to. All while avoiding life in the neighborhoods we live in because they are too weak to live in urban neighborhoods where them sistas would fuck em up coming over there trying to take over shit.
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WeeWoo: @ProjectGenocide: Damn my dude you really got some hate in your heart.I love me some snow bunnies.I dont hate black women i just dont want to deal with the drama.Call me what you want but i was raised in a house full of black women and I don't desire that lifestyle what so ever.Has to be drama free for me.
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UnderCoverFap: Oooof, that angle and her left nipple popping out of the top. o7o

Top tier lewding, 11/10.

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WeeWoo: @ordinator01: Well i have my own personal experiences with black women and 9/10 it was always bad.They love to emasculate black men any chance they get.And always have to have the last word in the conversation.Not to mention are extremely stubborn even when they are wrong and lack empathy.And im not saying all but alot of the black females I've met have been uber violent.Love fighting and not normal fighting they seemed like they were actively trying to kill there opponents.
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genyatus: Ah yes, the usual GB stuff. Single angle and more effort from the VA than him.
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johnnycage12: @Dyingsound: Dream on Whitey. your kind will die out in about 30 more years.
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Icekatana: Oh her husband is beginning to suspect. He must be a real genius and highly observant. I mean she only has a fucking Queen of Spades tattoo on her right tit. And it's 12:38 PM. Lol, this NTR shit is hilariously bad.
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nicegoing: little white dick energy in every GB animation. just accept the fact so many white 10/10 girls would prefer the dick of a 4/10 black man. white race is cucked.
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oMissVikky: Someone needs to fuck me like this
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Icekatana: Nicegoing, I don't see anyone here saying that. Just you. NTR is not the same thing as interracial. That dialogue is cringe.
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syko136: @johnnycage12: you're thinking of Asians my dude. have you seen a trailer park? we're are in NO danger of dying out, racist.
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syko136: @WeeWoo: and please stop using that as an insult, i don't appreciate being compared to racists because of a disability i never asked for.
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WeeWoo: @syko136: .....Um you mean the cancer comment?If that's what you meant I wasn't literally joking about cancer patients.That would be a fucked up thing to do.
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WeeWoo: @Dyingsound: Hmmm you think you won wars on your on huh?Every major war had black ppl in them fuck'n idiot read a book.And speaking of wars,did ypu you participate in any of them?Were you on the front line's?
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WeeWoo: Really needs a damn edit comments feature...but anyways your pathetic man I know alot of white ppl and they look down on your ilk as trash of society.Your degenerate kind is shunned apon so you take your hatred out on other races cause your own race disowns you.So you can say as much racist shit as you want I still smile knowing you are a reject in your own society.
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Violater: Hot as fuck!!
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watah: Know the difference between FAT and THICC. This is not Fat Samus, this is Thicc Samus.
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Lazag472: Wow look at that, blacks and whites finally united by their shared virginity in this comment section
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LordReplacer: The most hilarious part of this retard fetish is its mostly pushed by white liberal self-hating cucks. You can tell the extra insecurity because they HAVE to have the spade tattoo on there for their circlejerk to snicker at. Blacks who buy into this thinking it's a larger group are equally pathetic. So enjoy your fetish, beause everyone else is laughing at you guys.
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WeeWoo: @Lazag472: I guess the irony of you calling ppl virgins when your browsing the same porn sight is lost apon you.So what does that make you if your watching animated porn just like us?Nice deflection.And beta bitch replacer gb is black so he can't be a self hating white libtard you retard.
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justlookinatporn: guys would you all shut the fuck up I'm tryin' to masturbate in here
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azrin: @WeeWoo: LMAO wow, how am I the one triggered here? My cancerous kind? Way to jump the gun there buddy. I came to fap - not to see the same dumbass drama every time interracial is involved (and before you assume again, I'm not even white).

See, this is why there's no difference. Both extreme sides are as sensitive as the other - and both sides do the same thing; Bitch.
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Lazag472: @Weewoo Seethe more virgin, this porn is all you have.
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WeeWoo: @Lazag472: Deflections a bitch aint it.Well dont worry kid you won't die an incel..maybe.
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WeeWoo: @azrin: Hmm seamed anilly distressed to me.And READ AGAIN retard nvr said you were white.cancerous kind is little cunts who come here just to bitch about shit they willingly clicked on.if anything you the racist one if you assumed me thinking you were white.And what are you trying to say?are you inferring all white ppl are cancer?cause again i nvr said your race.
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manumer: Hot as always. Keep up the good work.
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azrin: @WeeWoo:
>cancerous kind is little cunts who come here just to bitch about shit they willingly clicked on

Kinda like the one cunt who clicked on this just to preemptively bitch about people bitching, innit? LMAO. WHY ARE YOU SO MAD?
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WeeWoo: @azrin: Irony again when you say that aren't you bitching about me bitching?So that makes you no different..I know it's hard for you try to keep up.
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jdaniels: This entire fetish is predominantly driven by the same people who publicly posture so hard about it, and unironically call other people cucks, lmao. The second best part of every GB animation is these idiots in the comments.
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hasegawaeito: Reading the comments and enjoying the white tears are the best part of BBC.
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syko136: @hasegawaeito: racist tears* please do me a favor and not be as bad as them by lumping us all together. white people are not a monolith.
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Ergeist: Wish I was into this kink so I could enjoy this more, cause it's such high quality work.