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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags 3D Animated Blender Mercy Overwatch Sound generalbutch
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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WeeWoo: Can't wait for the pro critic's.Since yah know they have a large collection of better animations when they say how shit this one is....
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DrPavel: "Waiter this food is really bland." "UMMMMMM LOL JUST MAKE YOUR OWN FOOD THEN LOL!!" "D...dont forget to tip me."
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coloredconquerer: @WeeWoo: Only worthless cucks complain about GB's animation. Their animations are objectively great, no matter how insecure one is.
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Buttwagon64: @coloredconquerer I am sure that may be the case for some, but I wouldn't agree to all. Animation is an art form, being so there are different styles. Even 'realistic' animations still have everything move in different ways. Also people have different fetishes, just because they don't like certain aspects of an animation it doesn't make their opinion any less valid than yours. I can say personally I don't have interest in this particular animation as it just doesn't 'hit the mark' for me. But I can see value in why it does for others. So it's not always insecurity, and being offended by others opinions it honestly comes across as you being more insecure than them, whether you are or are not does not matter to me though.

It isn't okay for people to make shit a racial or sexist thing though, they have issues that they need to get sorted out themselves. If you don't want to see a black man fucking a character because you are not able to relate and it ruins it for you, fine I am in the same boat. But to the people that make comments every time there is a black man in an animation, seriously please just look at yourself and ask why you need to make an issue out of something that has nothing to do with you. Bringing more anger out of yourself is not going to help you or anyone in any way, just accept that it's just another thing you can let go and move on to something you can enjoy.

The amount of anger on this site is ridiculous, we are all here for the same reasons... no one is shittier or better than you for that so stop acting like you are king fucksalottagirls and move on with your life.
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genyatus: The ass slap! Can't forget that! Does this guy have no ideas left?
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Noxia: I hate the mile wide hips. He used to use better proportions, now they just look silly.
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lol1234: @Buttwagon64: amen
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reigning_champ: @Buttwagon64: autism.
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syko136: @reigning_champ: can you not?
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johnnycage12: General butch the mvp
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General_Bitch: I bet it smells like 6-month old bologna in that room.
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psneakysys: @General_Bitch: lol true
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Hentiedup: Haha I love that GB is attempting to get one past the people stealing these animations to advertise their "porn games" lol