Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader nexus763, February 10, 2021; 17:40 Tags 3D Animated Blender Pewposterous Sound The_Witcher_3:_Wild_Hunt Yennefer edit nexus763 Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments February 10, 2021; 17:43 - Reply nexus763: I wasn't a fan of the original sound, so I tried my way. Interested in feedback about what you find better in the orignal or in this one. I couldn't render it at the original frame size, because Vegas constantly froze for whatever reason. February 10, 2021; 17:53 - Reply nexus763: Forgot the folder link : February 10, 2021; 21:18 - Reply Gromnir: What is the song in the background? February 11, 2021; 08:26 - Reply GenosseStahl: Good job, glad to see you still doing some soundwork :) February 11, 2021; 08:46 - Reply nexus763: @Gromnir: Rush - A Farewell To Kings
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I couldn't render it at the original frame size, because Vegas constantly froze for whatever reason.
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