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DamagedGift: GB THE GOAT
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UnderCoverFap: Now that's not very nice, if you listened to the whole animation, Cammy seems to be loving the forceful ass dicking and dare I say...asking for it. :3c

Give girl wieners a chance, you might "cum" around to it. ;3

Now onto this delight. The setup, theme, brilliant audio/wonderful recordings of the voice actresses, and superb animation I'd say this is a 10/10. This must have been bitch to render given the length of this. oAo;

I love the writing, I'm almost curious about the precursor to this event unfolding. Cammy caught in the rain and Poison stopping her. Puting Cammy against the wall in handcuffs and Poison violently grinding her throbbing futa dick against her tight butt before throwing Cammy to the ground.

General Butch is indeed, the GOAT.

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waynes1: I like GB's animations, but don't know why all his characters are thicc af
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Icekatana: I like the animation and dialogue, which is comprehensible this time. I do think the models are usually too thicc and sometimes even fat. I wonder when he will learn to animate a cumshot?
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Galloglaoch: Thats hot! Fuck we've been missing quality Poison content! Dayum!
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DrPavel: >if you listen to the animation
Wait people actually UNMUTE GB's shit!? Good god.
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traplover: Oooof GB never fail with all that THICKNESS and sometimes FUTA play. Wish there were multiple scenes from all of GB's work, but eh... Can't complain :)
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General_Bitch: You know me, normally I would agree about this shit being faggotry as fuck, but in this instance, Poison is actually a trans lore-wise. So this animation makes a lot of sense; it's not a case of a people putting a dick on a girl. It gets a pass from me.
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ProjectGenocide: @General_Bitch: The only thing faggotry is the amount of bitching you fucktards are always doing on every single futanari animation. Just go to thailand and Im sure plenty of trans women could fuck you up in a fight.
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General_Bitch: @ProjectGenocide: This isn't even a futa animation you dipshit. Poison is a legit tranny. Kill yourself.
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Pussy69: @General_Bitch: The only thing that makes sense is your name... You are clearly the general of bitching.
You hate his work... yet you keep coming back like a mindless slut thirsting for BBC
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insane77: Poison was originally female, until they made poison trans to avoid the "violence against women" controversy in the west. So my understanding is that there are 2 poison characters, the original female poison and the trans one that was basically retconned in.
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General_Bitch: @insane77: Wait, so you mean to tell me that Capcom literally said that only violence against men is okay?
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insane77: @General_Bitch: Well, not really lol. But I can see why that idea was pervasive. Basically it was the case of censoring their game as to not cause too much controversy. When poison was first introduced back then, older people raised hell about video games being problematic. It makes me wonder how poison would be perceived today if she had remained female. Especially when you recall Chun-Li being in street fighter.
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DuhBeast: crap
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bodat: @General_Bitch If this is gay then male on female is super gay. If the fucker is so important and not the fuckee, then you must think everything with a penis involved is gay. You're the kind of guy who watches straight porn for the guy. Now that's gay.
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General_Bitch: @insane77: Yeah different times back then. I remember watching the news and CNN did a whole story about how misogynist GTA Vice City was because you can fuck prostitutes and get your money back from beating them up.
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syko136: @Lil_Nut_96: you are a very angry individual.
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Pussy69: @bodat: Thank you man you nailed that shit to the point. Anyone that cringes over seeing a dick needs to rethink their life abit more and just remove it from their bodies
to get a pussy instead. I swear its 10 year olds that makes these kind of comments, like how the fuck do you watch porn avoiding seeing a cock? Unless your only into lesbians every other opinion is completely irrelevant. "Oof OMG he has a dick hes a fag.. she has a dick shes a fag... Oh no I have a dick im a fag" 10 yr old logic
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el-thor: BIDEN WON
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General_Bitch: @Pussy69: Nice try bro, no one is saying that. We're literally saying putting a dick on a girl is gay as fuck. If seeing other males in your porn bothers you that much just watch full blown lesbian porn. But you can't, because deep down inside futa fags love cock but they want to come off as straight by putting the cock on a chick instead. Whatever helps faggots sleep at night, I guess. Shit is still gay as fuck.
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traplover: Don't like it? Then don't watch it.
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traplover: You're in here too and just as much of a freak as any of us. So..... eh.
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majestic_117: Why are there always people bitching on this site when FUTA is in play LMFAO
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Jackbutt: I love how on every single one of GB upload there's dozens of comments... Every time. More than half are detractors.

And guess what? The more attention you shower, good or bad, the more success this brings him as an animator. Controversy? Drama? These only help sell by creating froth and thus drawing attention/eyeballs. If you really hated the guy's work you'd do best to not view the image, and if you did so, view it, frown, and float away into the aether, silent as a spirit.
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dapug: I HOPE there is a version where poison is the target.
This has nothing to do with GB's work which is great as always.
GOOD poison model. FUCK FUTA.
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Pussy69: @General_Bitch the problem is that you dont understand futa fetish at all. The reason its so mainstream in Hentai is b/c it gives satisfactory pleasure of seeing a woman dominate the same way you or any man would and share the same climax as both genders at the same time. That gives us more excitement than regular straight porn b/c its too generic and gets bored very quickly. Only the simple minded can't go pass the cock on a girl b/c your not allowing yourself to exert excitement from it. Thats why we get these baseless arguments everyday. General Butch and other artists don't care what we think tbh they just do what they like. You can sit here and waste your life being toxic about their work, but it changes nothing.
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Zerogg77: @Pussy69 Shut up you fucking faggot.
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DrPavel: Man replying to a year old comment