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Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: I once was a gay man, living a normal alternative lifestyle until I met a gypsy one day who promised me all my dreams would come true in exchange for my soul. Having been depressed for several years, I agreed, and suddenly I was transformed into a female sex android, with an overwhelming desire for male sexual intercourse. Now I spend my life getting fucked silly until I cum and squirt over and over again. My only purpose now is to please men, and the gypsy has a fresh human soul for her collection while I have eternal life as an android in my new body as 2B.
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ectoplasm: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: Go outside
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DuhBeast: The way it's let and the scene build reminds me of romance scenes in 80's movies. Or those romance novels you'd always find in stores at the time.
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kylgu: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: literally go outside
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Pussy69: People like this {Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body} are the reason we have rehab facilities & mental institutions.
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aryan826: meanies
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afrocrumble: Nines lost 2B enough times, he's never going to let her go this time. This time he's going to give 2B something she'll never forget post-mind wipe
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infern000: one detailed male butthole there
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Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: @aryan826: It's okay. The most important thing is that I enjoy myself. Negativity directed towards me doesn't bother me. Tyrion Lannister said, "never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you." I am what I am, and I didn't choose nor can I change anything about my race, sex, or sexual orientation, so I just embrace who I am and all that comes with it, good and bad!
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DuhBeast: quoting GOT...that is so fucken cringe lol
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UnderCoverFap: 2B, or not 2B? That, is the question.

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soundtittydown: @infern000: You were the one lookin'
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Icekatana: I love Hydra's animations. He's needs to stop flicking sexual fluids at the camera though. Or at least give me a warning. Ha!
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Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: @Incelebrity: go to hell bigot
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General_Bitch: Christ, and I thought I was an asshole, you guys are straight shitting on this dude. LOL
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TwiddleMyFiddle: Thats a good fucking speed, wish more animations would pick up on this
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Housemaster: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: go back to those other rule34 or e621 sites where they post cringy ass trash erp in the comments and stay there
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ccxx: eww man's butthole
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Harveytherabbit: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: In general everyone's fantasies are their own and nobody else really wants to hear them. And then if you post things like that, you will be ridiculed and it will be your own fault due to the absurdity of such a thing. For example your statement is harming everyone else's enjoyment because the thought of 2B being some closet gay guy who would go so far as to sacrifice a soul just to be a useless idiot taking over her body to be fucked destroys the legitimate fantasy of this amazing scene and character. So it's a double whammy of shifting the sexuality of a piece that has nothing to do with you, which is already selfish since this isn't your work, plus your narrative is utterly retarded and if you heard of someone doing something that stupid you wouldn't respect them either.
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syko136: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: i just gotta say i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone else here, but no one's attacking you for your race or sexual orientation.
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bustabrown: @syko136: I'm pretty sure he had to tell that to himself. To justify himself to share his grotesque fantasies.
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Weewoozesty: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: You're a ginger, you very obviously don't have a soul to trade.
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Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: Maybe you guys are right. Maybe I should kill myself like the PMs I've been getting said I should... Anyway, I didn't try to ruin anyone's fantasy or anything. I should have realized there's no place in the world for guys like me. So maybe I should kill myself, at least then maybe I can come back as something more acceptable to society...
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DuhBeast: boohoo
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EbonCandle: This is, collectively, simultaneously the best and worse case for and against porn site comments sections ever
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soundtittydown: @Harveytherabbit: if you're letting some rando RPing on a porn site ruin an entire character for you, you might also have some problems lol
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dudewtf: dude...shouldve said more calm..but you right. those rp and faggotry belongs to other rule34 sites and their hypocrisy against loli stuff. meanwhile those mentally ill transgender, sjw and feminists supporting gay shota stuff. no one needs cringeassworthy rp here. and pls...stfu Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body. If you cringe so much about ending your life, better see a psychologist and get some help instead of trying to turn yourself into a bitch.
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Xyoracle: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: bro no ones telling you to kill yourself its just kinda weird is all we're saying we dont wish you any harm tho
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PerVfect: :)
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Dingofiz: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: or you could just leave your weird fantasies to yourself, nobody really wants to read that stuff. What someone finds erotic, others find off-putting.
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jdaniels: @Faggot_Trapped_in_2Bs_Body: Given the degree of absolute weirdo shit on this site, what people will complain about, and what they're clearly hiding in their search history, none of these people really have any place speaking down to what you enjoy. Do your thing. If they get mad, beat off to that too.

Probably just jealous anyways.
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FootmanJeff: Clearly I missed something. But that was in 2021.