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Tags 3 Animated Blender Kaine Nier Nier_Automata Sound exga
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Rating Unrated


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Violater: God Like
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General_Bitch: wrong hole
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Icekatana: Any hole on a woman is the right hole.
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General_Bitch: @Icekatana: spoken like a true virgin. No girl really likes anal my guy.
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syko136: @General_Bitch: nothing you've ever posted on this site has convinced me you have any experience with that.
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johnnycage12: @syko136: they really dont
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SumptiousRobo: @syko136: RIGHT?! "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king", except this fool is blind *and* deaf and still trying to tell people what to do

Plenty of girls like anal even if it's not their preference
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General_Bitch: @syko136: you know nothing about me other than the shit I post on this site. I could literally be anyone. Anal is a guy's fantasy only.
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aryan826: @General_Bitch: i mean thats very wrong though
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SumptiousRobo: @General_Bitch: "Anal is a guy's fantasy only."

I'd say this is TMI but we're on a porn site so: My ex liked to have a plug planted in there when she masturbated, she got off harder. And my BFF's clit gets nothing out of "regular" sex, there's just no contact at all. She has to do it herself and if there's a dick pumping in and out it's a PITA for her to do that, so she prefers anal when it comes to penetrative sex, and she prefers that to just masturbating

And this isn't unusual, at all. I've got a dozen more examples but it doesn't matter, the point is that when you start spouting off how women categorically dislike anal or want to be raped or whatever weird thing you're on about, we're all seeing you post "I'm a virgin" or "I'm insecure" instead
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General_Bitch: @SumptiousRobo: imagine getting so ass blasted on a porn site that you type up a mini-essay containing nothing but anecdotal evidence about your limited "experience" with women. Haha, I've literally worked with thousands of patients during my career, and their over-eager husband or boyfriend caused almost every injury I've seen to a woman's anus. But yea keeping going faggot, I think it's laughable you think you know more than an RN and DO.
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aryan826: you witnessing anal injury is not indicative of anal being a guys fantasy only...
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SumptiousRobo: @General_Bitch: "I regularly deal with things going wrong, therefore they can't go right" is some next-level dumbassery. Who's up next, the optometrist who thinks literally everyone needs glasses, or the tattoo removal expert convinced nobody wants to keep ink?
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SumptiousRobo: @aryan826: It's like when a little kid with brown hair has the last name "Brown" and can't process that the blonde kid they just met in preschool is named "Johnson", they're so convinced their experiences are universal and authoritative. The fact this dude can recognize my experiences as anecdotal but not his own just makes it extra embarrassing though
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General_Bitch: @SumptiousRobo: The difference between your experiences and mine is night and day. My experiences are backed by medical journals and professional experience with a sample size greater than you could ever imagine. My experience, unlike yours, is also not personal in nature, which further adds to the validity of my claim. You can keep grasping at straws, my guy, but you will never be on my level. So please continue to enjoy your high-risk activity. Dumb fucks like you who injury their partner because they prefer a bacterial-infested shithole that was never designed for sexual intercourse keeps me and my partners in business.
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SumptiousRobo: @General_Bitch: See, this is why we can't have conversations, you keep shifting gears and moving goalposts. You've gone from "girls don't like anal" to "anal can be dangerous", and that's a whole different convo that has literally nothing to do with what started this all off. AND EVEN THEN YOU'RE STILL WRONG, you fuckin weenie. A third of women who have engaged in anal sex actively enjoy it (according to the NIH). Take a communications class or something, dork

Additionally, your experience might not be so "personal" but is still extraordinarily biased given the fact it's primarily derived from your interactions taking place when injuries have occurred. *You* are the one who maintains your experiences trump others', and *you* are the one who keeps making universal claims without non-anecdotal backing. Stuff it, you weenie
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aryan826: ok well time i remove my self form this. want nothing to do with it.
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DeluxeSandwichSpread: Just ignore the Bitch and enjoy the animation =)
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soundtittydown: Good lord this site is hostile. Just say "some people like a dick in their ass, some don't" and move on.

exga keeps making quality animations. Wish this was one of the creampie anims, but beggars can't be choosers I guess!
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morokei: Nah man, he keeps making the same animation over and over again. Fucking lazy ass.
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General_Bitch: @soundtittydown: These are the same people that made faggot 2b kill himself, yet try to portray me as the bad guy when they literally have blood on their fucking hands.
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gecko: Good thing animated characters feel nothing because they dont exist in the first place (duh), you can enjoy it without worrying someone gets injured or whatever reason tied to reality. If you are getting triggered by an animation there is something wrong with you. Now go fap and cry or something :)
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syko136: @General_Bitch: we all saw that thread, you were literally the worst offender there. jesus christ you need help.
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General_Bitch: @syko136: Check it again dumbass, I wasn't
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lemmebeatit: @General_Bitch: No girls likes anal in the imagination playhouse of your mind because even in your fantasies you have a needle dick, gotcha bro.
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soundtittydown: @General_Bitch: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're genuinely pretending you aren't constantly harassing basically every other user on this site, man