Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader Rastafarian, October 19, 2021; 00:35 Tags 3D Animated Blender LazyProcrastinator Sadako_Yamamura Sound The_Ring evilaudio Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments October 19, 2021; 01:42 - Reply angusmolestor: it's good when I mute it October 19, 2021; 07:43 - Reply jlecky: this is the grudge btw... not the ring October 19, 2021; 09:37 - Reply kylgu: idk if i should be happy or not that this got a sound edit October 22, 2021; 22:34 - Reply McCallaX: @jlecky: well, the sound effect is from "the Grudge". that's true. But the TV with white noice is a clear reference to "the ring". So, its a little bit of both ;)