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Uploader zombod, avatar
Tags 3D Animated Dead_or_Alive Marie_Rose Sound Source_Filmmaker ebashuchan
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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zombod: some of ebashuchan's old animations are hard to come buy. i had to look really REALLY hard to find this one (was only up on someones reblog that was backed up on tumbex) it would be really cool if someone could upload them... or just give them to me ill upload them
am currently looking fore these
if you have them, send them my way ;)
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zombod: ill also take any of the deleted twitter post... or upload them
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anon102030: @zombod: Yo Zombod, this is good stuff, wish you the best of luck to find these.

I did some quick search and found a few animations here:
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anon102030: @zombod: Some more here
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zombod: @anon102030: thanks for looking. Unfortunately those were places I also checked. However, I made a collection of all the posts I could find. It includes twitter posts and tumblr posts… I basically have every animation besides those 3 animations I posted about.
https: //
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zombod: @anon102030: I asked ebashuchan if they had them and they said “ I don't have it sadly, on some old hard drives I don't know where it is”. I also asked about some twitter posts he deleted he said he did it because he didn't like it any more… but its stuff so… what you gonna do.
however I do remember grabbing them way back when they were still up. but, I deleted the folder there were in. I'm currently using a program to recover data, so hope i can find them.
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anon102030: @zombod: oh sorry I couldn't help more. Thank you for putting this collection together!
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zombod: @zombod: update: i could not find them... rip those images i guess...