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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags 3D Animated Blender Elden_Ring Melina Sound generalbutch
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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polkim: alright everyone we got a new G B upload. post your anti black comments here i need a good laugh.
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TDream: Any reason why he is not making a white version for the people who want it? I mean he would get no hate then AND most likely get more people to join his patreon.
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ilovebutts2: Too bad this is the last animation cuz hes retiring and deleting his twitter lol
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Pussy69: Amazing as always. Just dying to see the BBC haters come buzzing in like shit attracting flies. Never knew theres a protest in hentai.
"WCM" White Cocks Matter......
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gl00myki11er: Nothing against any color, but you have almost every artist doing both, or more variations of colors other than just blinding white and dark as shadow. Is there an actual reason that he just does one and nothing else? Or is it just for trolling or is it just him doing 100% what he wants? Or is it just for contrast?
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General_Bitch: I don't mind the black dick. I just hate that he makes all of the women fat as fuck. I can't really self-insert as the chick when she's fat and I'm not.
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kylgu: @gl00myki11er its an obvious sign he got cucked by a white guy
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dabforhitler: awww this dumbass got doxxed and now he has to shut down! sorry cucks! HAHAAHAHAHAHA
gb is just a poo in loo from Bangladesh, a country where porn is illegal. Aww, guess hes going to jail!
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Revan-: @dabforhitler: redditor
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DrPavel: Pajeet
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DuhBeast: He has no room to whine about harassment, he did the same to other animators with his followers
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oriondeth: too bad he never do somethin with that Mia model shame
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mecalise: never forget general bitch got cucked by a white guy and never stopped seething about it the this very day. he bullied other artist into quitting and the second the same happened to him he cry like a little bitch about it. RIP in piss faggot
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LordReplacer: Haha the butthurt kuklord is quitting. Get fukt, whiny loser.
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AlwaysKnowsBest: @gl00myki11er: What are you talking about? Most artists just do animations with white models and leave it at that.
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majestic_117: What's goin on in this thre---
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el-thor: How does it make you feel that he's quitting ?
Are you hurt ?
Do you feel a sense of loss ?
Are you crying at night under your cum stained blanket ?
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Solaire424: Oh I thought he is Indian.
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nicegoing: @Solaire424: italian
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nicegoing: @kylgu: lmao never heard a white person cucking anyone. white people are synonymous with cucked, its so common even there is a high demand for BBC white wife cuck porn. never seen the opposite.
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DrPavel: He’s Bangladeshi.
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Wuyang: Haven't watched it yet but let me guess, generic talk followed by a completely uninspired anal scene?
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jdaniels: Absolute legend
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Silverscorpionsfm: Lol he's quitting and Arhoangel as Arhodevil is ironic ASF.
This comment section is gold
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Revivalherb: @TDream: there are people like Yeero and bunch of other animators that do white only who tf cares about the skin colour, you faggots care more about the colour of the man's skin more than how the women look.
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dabforhitler: @Revan-: 24.266843, 89.942935 awww look its generalburchs house LOL
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syko136: most of you are genuinely awful people.
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Karishin: ruined by the n.i.gger dick
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Grasshopper: So if I got this right...
Some guy called generalbutch makes passable futa/cuck/interracial porn for a couple years, gets mad when other artists don't cater to his fetishes and encourages his fans to harass them until some even quit entirely, then calls the people who disagree with that racist. GB starts doing it again and complains that people aren't giving him enough money for his niche fetish porn, someone who got pissed off over this bullshit found his dox and spread it online (including how GB lives in a country where porn is illegal), now it's HIS turn to complain about being harassed and runs away and anyone's supposed to care?
From what I've gathered he sounds like a freak who pushed his issue on others and pissed off some vindictive weirdos. Maybe I'd feel bad if he was really good or he catered to my fetishes but his work is too mediocre to give his antics a pass.
That's just what I could put together. Maybe I missed some important bit that would've made me feel sorry for generalbutch.
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generalbutch: Hey guys it's me.
I just want you guys to know that I'm in a Bangladeshi prison right now because making porn is illegal in my country so now my cellmates are finally gonna fulfill my BBC fantasy and fuck all my holes.
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USAgent: Bless Generalbutch
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syntheticisms: Damn first time in a long time I haven't hated the voice acting in porn. Well done VA.
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aryan826: lol wut
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el946: did he actually got doxxed ?
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General_Bitch: First off, Arhoangel quit because his animations were ass. General Butch doesn't do fetish porn. Only white bois with micropenises think sex between a black man and non-black woman is a fetish. You faggots are hilarious, literally go outside and touch some fucking grass.
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generalcucked: @General_Bitch: It's literally his fetish though. He's a bangladeshi brown boi with micropenis that dedicated the majority of his work to animated niBBers fucking white women because some white man cucked him. Even sending his minions to harass others for not making the same porn as him.
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histrider: I need some popcorn
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DrPavel: General Bitch is a roleplaying nerd who goes on every pic that doesnt have BBC on it and cries about racism, ignore everything he says. Especially the "arhoangel sucks" comment. Eat shit nerd, you and your little GB pajeet.
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jdaniels: The more these guys paste this copypasta of GB's identity, the less believable it sounds.
These guys are unironically the most engaged members of the community with GB's work and they're posturing like it's believable that the only reason they follow GB's work around the website is because they're moral crusaders of some sort.

I don't know why you guys feel shame about fetishizing this, but you need to speak to a therapist instead of trauma dumping on a porn site.
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Migueljkl: Why the fuck is that shit dark as coal?
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robin: >See a black dick
>Lose your fucking minds
>It's not me who is ill, it's you YOU
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blargmuffin: GB is done huh? I won't miss those hideous female models.
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Cryptonic: lmao what a waste pf talent
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faggotoption: Still can't animate a cumshot. Fuck outta here bitch.
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PapaKirby: So he's done? It's a shame because the guy had talent to animate, he just wasted it by ONLY making BBC and making the female models fattier. He could have been a big hit out there, but he himself cut short of it.
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General_Bitch: @PapaKirby: dude was making over 15k USD a month in a 3rd world shithole country, he was far from cutting himself short. lol
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fork: It'd be nice to see GeneralButch revisit the Claire Redfield short and apply this level of fidelity they're capable of now. Probably his hottest work.
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ShaoKahn: user image
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majestic_117: @robin:
literally this
Humanity is doomed
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UnderCoverFap: General Butch was doxed and had his hentai legacy destroyed.....because he wouldn't animate dicks with white skin.

I am at a loss of words at the entitlement and fuckery that everyone is enjoying at his loss. We are looking at quite possibly the FINAL GB animation.

If he has to lose everything, at least he NEVER gave an inch to his detractors. Black dicks, futa, and anal to the very end.

Be good GB, you were true to yourself to the very end.

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Shake: >guy does exclusively BBC porn
>winds up being a brown bangladeshi

lmao whats up with asians and BBC cuckold porn. Is it cause asian woman want BWC?
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aryan826: i do not wish a doxing appon anyone and i fele bad for those that enjoyed their stuff, but honestly their stuff was never for me, ever since then SFM Coach phases just never realy liked their stuff.
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Cryptonic: get doxed black dick weirdo
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pervysamma: why is this shit in 480p???
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nigges: rest in piss, cucked brown fag lmao.
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Raechelly: you're only allowed to make/watch 3d porn if you're white apparently.

you people are hilariously pathetic
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forchon: loving the seethe from pencil dick whitoids lul
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Pussy69: Imagine explaining what isn't a fetish or kink on a porn site based on the color of a cock.....
That pretty much tells you how retarded half of the ppl in the comments are especially the ones who took the time to make accounts based on GB's name (O_o)
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syko136: @forchon: that helps nobody.
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syko136: and man, yeah people are going too far, but let's not forget GB is a massive racist himself. so i wouldn't be so quick to defend his honor.
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faggotoption: Imagine making a fetish solely out from a dick's colour and size, and you have to be constantly reminded how BLACK and BIG the dick is so you can get off, the BBC cucks are truly racist gay fags
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afroninja11: GB is quitting? Good, he won't be missed, the women in his work were becoming more off-model (fucking fatties) and the shit voice acting was getting even worse.
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gibpuzz: @syko136: the fact he had his dumbassfans harass other artists is another reason where I am glad his ass is gone.
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kain51: pouring one out for General Butch he was in a class of his own will miss his work
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DrPavel: The dude was a sick nerd mad he got cucked by a white dude so this is how he coped, and you people continued to throw money his way while he cried about other artists not doing his bbc schtick while laughing on his streams about dying white people. Yeah thats what 80% of his stuff was, not just interracial shit. No no, the cringy cuck QOS shit. Good riddance. Bye Pajeet.
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vexenz: One thing I won't miss is all the people who come to every one of GB's works to express their "hate" for the material and yet come back EVERY FUCKING TIME
Their pathetic claims of being "just here to trigger cucks huehuehue" like anyone is falling for that shit. Like c'mon guys everyone knows you love this shit.
You fap every time then when the post nut shame kicks in you're back here to try and spread your own self loathing in the comment section. (Some are more transparent on this than others)

Saddest thing is these people will probably miss GB more than any "fan" of his will.
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General_Bitch: @Pussy69: Imagine being too much of a pussy to @ the person you're talking. Way to live up to your name, faggot.
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UnderCoverFap: @vexenz Fuckin' a, these detractors are two-faced and they know they LOVE his animations. Maybe it's their post-nut clarity that brings this shame rage.

These anti GB posters will miss him more than ANYTHING.
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nicegoing: @faggotoption: yeah, its for white audience including women. white women wish they were gang banged by 50 big black dicks. while white males get off on the fact they're inferior. its something that's ingrained in white people to feel inferior and get off on it. dont kink shame please.
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gibpuzz: @UnderCoverFap: nope. Plenty more things to fap to from less toxic creators
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faggotoption: @nicegoing: No normal white male or white female feels inferior to black people or wants to be gangbanged by them, you're being brainwashed by kikes who run the porn too, go pay shekels for your miserable kink or fetish or whatever this faggotry is, and chug some soy and estrogen pills you "inferior white male"
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BigKokujin: @TDream: He's a Pinoy who got cucked by a white guy and lost his mind.
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blargmuffin: Great googly moogly so many hateful little shits on both sides of this. What are you morons gonna do with your time now that one animator is out of the game?
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DuhBeast: rest in piss
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UnderCoverFap: @gibpuzz I can't contest the accusations of what is being stated here that GB harassed others; I've only judged him on the merit of his porn. Also, considering the toxic responses he gets from his work I can understand if he was a dick. Even so, doxxing is out line. Why can't people just fap in peace and leave well enough alone? Isn't the point of hentai is to ESCAPE? Not to bring the misery of the world to Rule 34?

We just wanna fap and that's what should be done.
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SadDance: Hahaha being white is winning constantly, rest in piss bozo! If anyone's curious about the statistics of what race women like, they should check the tinder statistics they released a few years back, would anyone be shocked to discover black men had the lowest response rate from every women other than black?
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mygg: blm?
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General_Bitch: @SadDance: are you literally using Tinder to promote white supremacy? Kill yourself cum skin.
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DuhBeast: @General_Bitch Dilate troon
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SadDance: Another buck is broken everyday....
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wexington: @SadDance: Projecting too much there buddy
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General_Bitch: @DuhBeast: get off my nuts fag.
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DuhBeast: lol You are the one to talk Mr. "I can't really self-insert as the chick when she's fat."
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DuhBeast: @General_Bitch Quit thinking about it and become part of the 40% already, you faggot tranny LOL
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General_Bitch: @DuhBeast: damn my guy you stalk my comments like that? Holy fuck you must've been that weak cum-skin loser that got his ass whooped in the A by that gay dude for talking shit. It's hilarious, you talk all that shit on this site when it's so easy to doxx you and roll up.
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DuhBeast: LOL You are trying to sound all tough now when you literally said that in the same post you loser.
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Wolfwood408: Fuck general butch and his feelings. If he's not churning out porn, he can fuck off and be useless.
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syko136: still a cesspool i see.
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ifuckwowsluts2: I wish I was her :) riding sucking and draining a hot big black cock, PM me
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ProjectGenocide: It doesn't really matter if he quit, there are still a lot of artist out there catering to this fetish. I've always considered this type of porn aimed at gay self hating white insecure men. I highly doubt women view this garbage nearly as much as the males do. Even on dating websites you see white women mostly choosing only white men. Yet it's the sh*tty porn industry, Hollywood, and Netflix that love pushing the BS idea that white women and now even Asian women are crazy for black males. Asian women of all ethnicity groups definitely would never prefer a black male over a white or asian male. Especially not the ones in high IQ Asian countries where they do have a few inferior Asians that will sleep around with a black male for fetish reasons. I realized even Japan tried this before where they would have Japanese men being cucked by Japanese women while some black dude was having sex with the Japanese woman... The fact that these nations are full of idiots that want their men to commit suicide by crapping on them like this deserve what they get. ERASED. But I would never wish that upon the people that aren't begging for it. Just the idiots that should have been aborted at child birth for choosing to be an insecure self hating failure that get off to blacks dominating their women. The same men who can't even dominate a single Black woman because he gets his fake alpha ass kicked by them.
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CNdash: S to Spit
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General_Bitch: @ProjectGenocide: You spent 30 minutes writing a wall of cope. Women choose white males and asians because they give them a comfortable life. Sexually, women are attracted to black men. Black men have higher levels of testosterone than any other male on the planet. It's fact. You can argue IQ and intelligence all you want, but that shit doesn't make girls wet, testosterone and masculinity do. The media has brainwashed white males and asians into thinking that smarts matter, it does for getting a job, but not for passing your genes through a female. Only testosterone does. Yeah, you as a cum skin are more likely to get a white wife than a black man is, but that doesn't change the fact that BBC makes every female in your worthless family wet. Honestly, if I was a white dude or asian dude I would kill myself. Hell South Korea has a negative birthrate because not even their own women want to fuck them. Japanese dudes are killing themselves left and right because they're realizing they will die virgins unless they're Yakuza. Face it, being born a man that isn't black means you lost the genetic lottery. The only good thing you can do for the world is fuck your white wife and pray you have a daughter for the enjoyment of black men when she gets older. Peace out, cum skin. P.S. kill yo self
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manumer: GB, I love you. Ignore the haters and keep doing these masterpieces.
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anizem: Gosh look at those boobas holy shit
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generalbutch: @General_Bitch: You go sister! Fuck yeah sound off on that guy! Nothing beats a wall of cope with another wall of cope amirite? Thanks for defending my honor while i'm out. While you're at it how about you suck my bangladeshi dick too, don't be racist my niggha. I promise I'll come back and make more cuck porn if you do it real good.
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ThisIsChris: Comment sections like these pretty much confirm to me that once the meteor hits and humanity is wiped out, the universe will be a better place.
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darkcet7: GeneralButch is a God among us, thanks for this video.
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josepe: RIP general butch
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Delicious: RIP GB o7
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FootmanJeff: What's this RIP stuff?? something happen?
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anizem: @Delicious: rip?
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manumer: He should continue his work, by retiring he only did what his doxers wanted him to do. Plus doing porn related stuff is nothing to be ashamed of in the age of Onlyfans.
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MADDVILLAINT: I don't understand any of you - if you hate his work just don't watch it? Why do you care so much what kind of porn he makes and why he does ?? It's weird. It's really really weird. There's hundreds of artists out there who have what you're looking for. You're literally all over this one dude just because he won't animate a white penis?? Get real, people. I mean just fap or move on - it's really that simple.
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valley13: You guys are just terrible human beings, if you could even call that. You don't create anything, you are ungrateful towards something someone else created and you leech like a parasite, feeling entitled to something in the end. Pathetic.
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histrider: ah yes, 10 month old drama