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Tags 3D Animated Clementine SelfDrillingSMS Sound The_Walking_Dead_Game
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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majestic_117: wtf is that hip grab LMAO

this is just too uncanny valley
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orrayt3x: 4k/1080p mirror please
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ASK: Well, the animation quality is still there, no question. But damn, SelfDrillingSMS has GOT to work on that pillow talk, man. ^_^;
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CNdash: Boring
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Twtrkenco: Love the tone, wish this was what the Clem x Ellis one was more like, especially the anal scene
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SirDoge233: What a borefest,fucking like old people.
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intredasting: Jesus, compare this with Until Gathered. Where is the creative spark he once had?
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Frank_Wesker: so much potential wasted in a such boring animation lol
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orrayt3x: @intredasting: @Frank_Wesker: Patreon rules changed
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riddler: So did everyone just take a break from making quality sfm this year? wtf is going on? Nothing new with existing characters anymore.
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faggotoption: Dude was making the best loli porn in biz and now look at this pseudo-realism depressed robotic fucking he's making lately. What patreon money does to a talent.
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oriondeth: thank god im not the only one finding these nowadays porn boring.
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ThatgirlColdbluu91: damn, Clem porn and i'm sayin meh.... feels bad ;L
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Bumbay123: Dude's making vanilla porn now?
gg boys
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ThisIsChris: I'll stick with Of Inner Demons, thank you.
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bottomfeeder: Maaan he flashed some jessi teasers, and i thought we were gonna get some of that, which i would have been ok with vanilla or not. But these scenes are so dumb or boring. like hes hyper fixated on some feminist point, or making the board with the relationship girl friend experience his central idol of worship. Now im scared he'l produce a character i am interested in poorly. This feels like when people make porn of something they don't care about. It plays out like watching retarded standard porn, where the actresses are pretending to be interested. It's simply not selling it and we can all see the detail work and fluffing, but have to go to the armature shit to get something with a purpose to exist. infinite 3d pretend people which can do literally anything in or out of reality and these are the stories he plays out. Augh.
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stupid477: I just don't care anymore
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wesker1984: I don't get why people are upset, i've seen worst animations than that. The whole site is fully of even more crappy ones.
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mygg: im convinced selfdrilling is a virgin 100 percent
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vdszfbeg: Sigh, what a fall from grace. I remember I was subscribed to his patreon for the longest time until I finally realized that he was out of creative juice. Of Bets and Debt was his magnum opus -may it be surpassed one day-, and Until Gathered was the echo.
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el-thor: BO-RING
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syko136: based on how many people favorited this animation, i'd say you whiners are the minority. personally i mostly agree it's boring, but i have the good sense to not be a little bitch about it.
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PussSFM: Its like painstakingly animating paint drying. The skill is there but the artistic merit is not
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Karishin: N
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kylgu: ResidentSleeper
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Supernova1219: Man...yall are so rude to any and all good work that comes out. This is fuckin' awesome, but entitled mentalities will always see SOMETHING wrong with a good animation. I thought the dialogue was spot on, and I REALLY hope to see more of this Clem model.
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bottomfeeder: your entitlement is dumb and wrong and you are rude to say that to us. And your words are exactly what a entitled person would say, and there for all the good things you said are irrelevant.
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sexualenergy: Nobody's saying there's something wrong with the animation. In fact, it's impressive. It's just that the content SMS is putting out is just getting boring. All this skill, detail, and realism for nothing creative or exciting.
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UnderCoverFap: Why is SelfDrillingSMS being held to such an impossible standard? You're acting if he doesn't deliver absolute perfection it's terrible. How would you feel if you put out hard work on an animation only to be told, "it's not good enough" every time? The last time he gave 110% with his passion project Clementine movie 'Fair Played' and many SAID THAT wasn't good enough.

I like everything SelfDrillingSMS has done, whether it be intense or simple. Sure his loli days are behind him, but that shouldn't negate his future works.

You may not like some of his animations, but to call it 'boring' is beyond absurd.
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kakuzu92: Can someone edit out the retarded belching shit.
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mantis55: @UnderCoverFap: To be fair there are people who are paying this guy on a monthly basis only for him to put out stuff that doesn't hold a candle to what he was making half a decade ago now. You're acting like his work is a charity we should just be grateful for but it's not anymore, it's so obvious these soulless animations are being churned out in order to continue justifying the money they're receiving and that's it. Inner Demons felt like something that was made for people to enjoy, this feels like something that was made to fill a quota of animations of people fucking. It's not just the lolis that got lost along the way.
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gohawks78: Why so many complaints? o_O Great animation work
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UnderCoverFap: @mantis55 That is a fair point, his Patrons who pay for his high style animations are entitled to what they were promised subscribing to SelfDrillingSMS's work.

I'll agree that some recent animation aren't being given the degree of quality of past works and that should come first if people are pledging to his Patreon. However, I am not saying what he's doing is a charity, ergo his work shouldn't be criticized, but I just feel some here are dog piling him unnecessarily.

'Inner Demons' and 'Fair Played' are very distinct passion projects that shows what SelfDrillingSMS is capable of. However, he could be at the point as an artist where he is burned out or having a creative block. I get easily burned out on doing bitch basic SFM posters, so I can't imagine how top tier artists like him feel when they reach burn out.

My concluding point, SelfDrillingSMS should be given the benefit of the doubt.
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USAgent: Should have been S2 Clem honestly.
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DARQ: Good old fashioned meat'n potatoes sex, it's nice to have sometimes.
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zafer: This guy's stuff has gone so downhill.
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HodorHodor: Any creator who stops making loli content is a total coward. Fanbox exists. There's no excuse. SelfDrilling used to have a unique identity before he became cucked like 99% of porn artists these days.
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HodorHodor: P.S. Anybody who still supports an artist after they stop making loli content is even more cucked.
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Iwhxnidjd: @HodorHodor: We get it, you like underage girls.