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Tags 3D Animated Rapetacular Scout Sound Team_Fortress_2 femscout
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Rapetacular: Seem like prev post had problem loading?

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I post wips and updates there, but as usual all of my finished works will still be available for free everywhere else.
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suck: I was looking forward for your next Ben 10 animations if any in wop, loved their fuck scenes.
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suck: @Rapetacular:
I was looking forward for your next Ben 10 animations if any in wop, loved their fuck scenes.
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ilovebutts2: I always love how you animate the characters fucking hard and fast
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kevinlevin: @ilovebutts2: Agreed. The way they animate their characters fucking is something not a lot of animators do.
It's so primal and hot.
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ThisIsChris: @kevinlevin: Primat? WTF are you talking about? All he does is literally speed up the video. Primal. LOL
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Rapetacular: @ThisIsChris: "All he does is literally speed up the video", well, thats not true at all :\
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ThisIsChris: @Rapetacular: Yes, it is. I don't mean literally speeding up your own video ffs. I mean that the speed is simply speed up in comparison to most other videos. This "primal and hard"BS is
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ThisIsChris: just ridiculous and wrong.
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Rapetacular: @ThisIsChris: Well, is not really "simply speed up" since i base my animations on some actual scenes and experience. I cannot say what ye seen before or sex experience is like. and maybe my stuff is not the same to the stuff you favourite and usually comment on. (can see why you think this)
I never said it publicly before, but i do actually try to keep things hardcore and primal. Seems like other folks are picking up on it also. So i guess mission accomplished? :T

But maybe ye right, it can look a bit weirdly fast, especially some of my older stuff :s I was still learning about SFM animations, and haven't put much thought to momentum.
Nowadays I try to aim for bit more realistic movements. I only leave more exaggerated stuff for cartoons.

So maybe look out for my newer stuff? maybe ye'll see is better now. If not, well theres other artists that do the same stuff you like out there too. :)
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ThisIsChris: @Rapetacular: Don't you worry, mate. I'll let you and your followers live in your illusions of "hardcore and primal". LOL Always impressive how little it takes in porn, because the scene is so suppressed. Nice talking to you. :D
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DuhBeast: wtf are you even on about? you sound like an idiot.
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ThisIsChris: @DuhBeast: If you cannot read, I'm sure it's hard to get it. Thus begins the storm of pissy fanboys.
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Rapetacular: @ThisIsChris: Look, is fine if you don't like my stuff, You have different opinion on how things shud be, and this is fine, this is your taste. but you don't have to insult other folks :s
I personally dun mind criticism ( i even agree with you that some of my older anims seem bit too fast, and explained what i did to fix on newer anims), is part of reason why i keep and archive my old animation stuff. You can see for yer self how much things change, and is cause folks give constructive criticism and i change and fix where is necessary in future works.

Ye don't need to go to this level just to defend your taste.
Sometime stuff just doesn't match up, maybe i just need to improve more, or you can simply go to other artists you like for now.
I can live with either of this choices.

But just because you're the only person with a problem on this, doesn't mean you have to make it everyone else's :T this is just ridiculous and wrong
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ThisIsChris: @Rapetacular: 1. I never even talked to you or insulted your stuff anywhere. I simply called out someone for talking shit. YOU are the one that got pissy because of it. 2. The other guy LITERALLY just called me an idiot and you're addressing ME for "insulting" someone? Have the people sucking up to you gone that far up your head now that you argue reality? Produce your self proclaimed hardcore and primal brilliance and stop whining about the fact that some people just don't jerk you off on here. OK? Easy.
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Rapetacular: ". I never even talked to you or insulted your stuff anywhere. "

"All he does is literally speed up the video"
"I'll let you and your followers live in your illusions of "hardcore and primal"
"Always impressive how little it takes in porn"
"Thus begins the storm of pissy fanboys"

Only person talkin' shit here is you :T
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ThisIsChris: @Rapetacular: The fact you're taking the first and last as anything close to a insult
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ThisIsChris: shows your absolut determination in being butthurt. It's adorable. Like I said, believe whatever you want. I don't care anymore.
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Rapetacular: @ThisIsChris: For the record, You started this whole thing by whining in the first place. :T I am only calling you out on your first comment and explained why that's not true.
Immediately you started calling it bullshit and insulting everyone.

You said that's not what you meant, but then repeated the same thing again for some reason(?). Then told everyone to live in our "illusions" because you don't understand what others are saying.
Which is why (i think) that guy called you an idiot, because he doesn't understand what you want.

And i did produce work :T but is not my fault don't like it.
Which is why i say you should go to other artists if you still don't like my stuff.
I understand you aren't interested. Is not my fault you have a problem with it or can't see what everyone else is seeing.
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ThisIsChris: @Rapetacular: Sure thing, buddy. Accurate of what happened and not butthurt or delusional at all. Cheers. Best of luck with your mediocrity in the future. <3
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Rapetacular: @ThisIsChris: You only need to scroll up to look at yourself :T
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ThisIsChris: @Rapetacular: Thanks for the affirmation.
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Rawrylicious: @Rapetacular

Ignore this retard, you're amazing.
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ThisIsChris: @Rawrylicious: Fanboy number 2 has arrived. The sandy vag is starting to itch.
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Safeman: Well, not a fanboy here since this is the first time I see anything from Rapetacular. This one is nice but doesn't do it for me, probably because of the fugly old guy with a smirk on his face, lol

Still, I can say that ThisIsChris is going out of his way to be an asshole. There's a proper way to discuss things, and then there's the troll way. He sure is using the latter.
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Rapetacular: @Safeman: Ah , din't realize his face is very distracting here, but ye have point TuT" Will prolly tone down in future. Seem like have habit of making his expressions too strong/comedic, i think someone pointed out before in other anim i did. Danke for input ^^
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ThisIsChris: @Safeman: The only troll aspect here is the absolute hilarious way that people get triggered over someone not sucking the creator off and voicing things in a more direct manner. The amount of fragile and poor egos on here is just plain funny. Instead of accepting or ignoring, they lose their shit. "Nooo! It's not like that! It's totally good. Be more passive. Never offensive. My pussy will hurt." If that's trolling in your world, fine then. TROLOLOLOL
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Debthrowaway: @Rapetacular I don't know how to do the tagging thing, but please ignore haters like ThisIsChris... There's a lot of people on this website who have some screws loose and clearly he's one of them. Most people recognize your talent and the amount of work that goes into producing your animations. You can clearly see that in the amount of favourites you get. People like Chris are just starved for attention and try to get it any conceivable way they can.
Also, in case it helps, I've always noticed the primal and wild aspect of your animations - I mean, it's hard not to with a name like "Rapetacular". If anything your animations are relatively consensual when taking your name in consideration, and I think people on this site appreciate a bit of both.
Also... You do amazing work and that you release all your animations for free is bloody incredible, takes a big person to do that. Keep rocking and fuck the idiots crying about free jerk-off material.
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ThisIsChris: @Debthrowaway: Careful not to choke on so much dick, fanboy.
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alfalr: @ThisIsChris You're an idiot and you don't know anything about animation. 'faster' sex is a lot harder to animate in 3d than slower, it's not just 'speeding things up', you have to animate the physics and momentum to adjust for the speed.