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Tags 3D Animated Blender Scooby_Doo_(Series) Sound Velma_Dinkley dezmall
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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alkaponecr: link for full version?
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genovalati: We need full version on here
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MaestroShiranui: I don't know why suddenly Velma is actually a sex symbol.... why? since when? everybody knows than the best in the serie was Daphne, but don't confuse guys the animation IS REALLY GOOD !!!!
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UnderCoverFap: @MaestroShiranui Because Velma leans herself for unique kinks. Here's a few: Sweater/short skirt/glasses, short hair/freckles, and a book worm vibe that makes it satisfying to sexual and boof her holes.

Daphne is hot, but she's also easy. Velma is almost a conquest to lewd. That's just my hot take.

That aside, 10/10 animation and the VA for Velma KILLED IT with her performance.

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gibpuzz: @MaestroShiranui: Since people started drawing her as extra thicc
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JacobIsland: I always have a thing for cute nerdy girl
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Icekatana: @MaestroShiranui This isn't a recent development all. Since, at least, 2002 Velma has been a smokeshow/sexpot. You can thank Linda Cardellini for playing the role in that crappy live action movie. She switched on a lot of brain cells. Plus, smart girls are sexy as fuck.
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cartman26: Since when Velma is fat?
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suratkabar: @MaestroShiranui
thicc cute nerdy girl
I wonder why
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vexenz: @MaestroShiranui: Bruh. This argument has been settled Long ago Velma > Daphne and honestly it's not even a close race. Velma beats her on looks, attire and especially personality.
Want proof? Go to literally any art site r34 or otherwise and count the difference between the number Velma Pics vs Daphne. It's not even close.
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nickftwd: Velma is a fat ugly hag with eczema. Daphne all day. The only reason any of you want Velma is because you think that's the type of chick you'd have a chance with irl, a condescending, wannabe know it all. gtfo. Athletic redhead v fat frumpy chick
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Bludegeonfist111: No oral sounds makes this awkward asf. All that suckin and mouth fuckin, not a single slurp choke caugh or gag. Ruined the whole thing for me
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syko136: @gwen_tennyson1322: shut the fuck up Carranza.
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sokumotanaka: @nickftwd: Alright calm down stud, you're on the porn site jerking it like the rest of us.
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ASK: @MaestroShiranui, simply put, it's not the 70s anymore. Also if you grew up with the show, you're not a kid anymore. Tastes and interests change over time. So while Velma and Daphne's roles were clearly defined AT-ONE-TIME, over the years, those roles have gradually been flipped. And even Warner Bros has taken notice. Have you noticed that, on more recent shows, Daphne's design has been altered to give her a "thiccer" more Velma-like figure?

@genovalati, actually, I've seen the full video, and in truth, you're really not missing much. All the extra 90s seconds is, is an extended intro and a reveal at the end that the whole thing was a trap set up by Velma, only the POV guy steals her glasses and runs away after she gets distracted by Daphne. That's pretty much it. This clipped version just shows us all the sex.
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ynysmon: Holy shit.
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syko136: @AdamKovic: that's all you can ever think about is it? what is it about cartoon porn that attracts schizos and sociopaths?