Harveytherabbit: I'm legitimately appreciative for the credits to know who voiced. The scenario was extremely creative, and Pixie Willow was actually just top notch. This whole scene was brought to an entire new level thanks to her, really phenomenal. The time, effort, shot choices, and overall scenario are to be praised across the board for the out-of-the-box approach. This was no small feat to accomplish, and the sequence of events really made me wonder what he'd do next.
Whatever9999: @LeBeauJack: So the fact that this video shows a virus-mutated, near invulnerable, zombie super soldier walking around isn't a problem for you. Nor is the fact that this creature that was designed for mass murder has just arbitrarily decided to rape instead (using a sex toy, no less). Or the fact that AFTER the super zombie killer has (fairly gently) raped the woman, he spent fair bit of time gathering all her surveillance cameras out of spite, and then hooking them up at proper angles to revenge porn this chick on a live stream. Which means that the super zombie ALREADY had the knowledge of not only the internet, but knew the address of a porn website with live streaming, of which he had a valid login. Nonono, it is the FUCKING CHAIR that bothers you.
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I don't care if someone have a problem with my comment. I hate rape or domination. I'm not twisted in my mind.
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