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MrAnon: The "Presidential Reward" every perv wanted. Formerly locked behind a SSS rank, now here free for your entertainment.
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dudewtf: if it wasnt for that fkd up hillary face. she doesnt look like a young hot 20yo at all.
then again...degens on r34 also like dimitrescu...

but whatever it is...artist is a god
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Noname55112: @dudewtf: Her face is much better now than in the original. She was ugly af in the original game. what you on about?
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mecalise: @dudewtf: nibba just be trollin cuz daddy didnt give enough attention
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Shadowskill11: @dudewtf: This fuckin guy. All he's from the past and see's 75 yo Hillary Clinton in all of his porn. Fuckin pervert.
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Shadowskill11: @Noname55112: These mofos are going to be hurting when they get old. Their little nostalgia memories aren't filling in the blanks with what she actually looked like with her Dumbo ears having self compared to the new hot one stuck with a Karen haircut.
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wesker1984: @dudewtf: Are you an idiot? She look more like a 20yrs old young woman than her original self who looked like more to a 15yrs girl. I have 19yrs old nice who happen to look exactly like her. I think all the loly stuffs around her just damaged you're brain and you can't make a difference between a young woman and a old lady.
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wesker1984: @dudewtf: *Are you an idiot? She look more like a 20yrs old young woman than her original self who looked more like a 15yrs girl. I have a 19yrs old niece who happen to look like her. I think all the loly stuffs around here just damaged you're brain and you can't make a difference between a young woman and a old lady.
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muhtun: @Noname55112: She does look prettier in the remake but also generic a f.
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Pussy69: Quality overtime....
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histrider: amazing body, great animation

but, nah, let's argue about her face that you can barely see
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dudewtf: @wesker1984 if you cant deal with the fact she got censored for people like you complaining: Hurr durr, she look too young because muh problematic content; hey thats up to you.
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GroovyKing: @histrider: I think they're talking about the model from the remake specifically, not this animation because, as you said, it's barely visible.