ilovebutts2: i have nothing against the guy and i do like these, but if you all ever need a laugh you should click the lazyprocrastinator tag and count how many of the thumbnails have short-shorts and bandeau tops on skinny women with tiny tits from the neck down
Linkman70000000: @Loliladle42 Is that really impressive when there's always been a fair amount of copy-pasting between his models/animations? They're fine and still way better than a chunk of users dabbling in SFM/Blender but the point still stands that they output a shit ton because they recycle and cut corners frequently.
kevinlevin: @ilovebutts2: I dont mind. Im so sick and tired of every fucking models being inflated to have massive tits and ass when their actual models arent really that.
Its nice to see someone being on-model (or close to it) even if its rehashed (but a post here answers that by saying hes doing 1 anim a day).
zozopee: Most of these models have almost no content. If someone out there has been wanting it now they have something by somebody who knows what they are doing.
bleargh: @Linkman70000000: Swapping models in blender is not as easy as few simple clicks, as they may have very different rigging and thus need to be adjusted manually. Not to mention rendering time. Also one crucial fact you missed, all of animations by this author aren't actually the same so it's not simple copy-paste. And you think doing all that in one day isn't impressive?
Debthrowaway: i know what Lazy is doing i read his fanbox posts.good luck to him. howevr, im dont really like the clothes and settings, they kinda turn me off, they all feel repetitive and like plastic you know what i mean? that said i wont complain about more yuffie, and some of those other girls too..
Loliladle42: @dudewtf: As a way to test his skills he's doing 60 characters, one a day, to see if he can do each one well. What some people don't understand is that with Blender, you can't just import a model and apply a premade animation to it in two clicks of a button, due to the fact that an animation makes a call to a certain named bone for each movement, and each model obviously has differently named bones due to file Hierarchy being differently named.
Its nice to see someone being on-model (or close to it) even if its rehashed (but a post here answers that by saying hes doing 1 anim a day).