aryan826: fuk sake why they gota keep making these ashley scene so damn good :D im actualy starting to like her :P well at least this model. she looks fantastic <3
Braveheart14882: @Pant: Let's not kid ourselves, it was the "Nightmare on Elm Street remake" of RE4. Just suck up every ounce of charm the original had, give it standard third-person shooter gameplay, and treat it like some serious drama instead of what it's supposed to be, a homage to B-horror films. About the only character that made it out unscathed and actually got better, was Luis. Everyone else?, no.
Braveheart14882: @blargmuffin: Yeah you're not winning anyone over with that remark. The remake is objectively a lesser work, not only because it's based off of a pre-existing game, but because it fails to replicate what made that original game so good. It's a by-the-numbers third-person shooter. By that metric, go ahead and pick any other third-person shooter off the shelf and call that "amazing" too. The standards of gamers' nowadays suck my wing-wang. Do us all a favor, and uninstall Steam or light your consoles on fire. You have no business contributing money to shite games.
wesker1984: @Braveheart14882: You have shitty tastes. The remake is way better than the original who never felt like a real Resident Evil games. And numbers just prove you are wrong. So do us a favor and put your trolling so dep in your ass it will make you head explode.
insane77: I love the original, I also really like the remake. I wish they didn't remove some things, and I want this whole "revised for modern audiences" crap dumpstered. But one of things I like of the remake is the revision of the dynamics between Leon and Krauser. One thing I hate is what they did to ADA's voice.
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