ludicrous: is he wrong though? stop being a bitch people can be rude, no such thing as hate speach people can speak and people can hate deal with it. violence is violence. violence is not words. to the creator of this keep at it, most dont become an artist overnight.
D10nys1us: @ludicrous: Considering the 31 people who favorited it here, and all the other positive feedback on the other places I've posted, yea, they are wrong. Is it perfect? Fuck no. Do I have room for improvement? Fuck yea, alot, and I do so everyday, which I can really see when I watch back the full 14 minutes of this project because a lot of that footage in the trailer is from almost a year ago.
bottomfeeder: Fuck off with your commercial bump spam you piece of fucking shit. You know the only way we can make you stop if you don't fucking cut it out is to fine your release and post it. So rub your two fucking brain cells together and fuck right off.
D10nys1us: @DrPavel: lol tempting, but nah, I'm working on the extended cut of this and it'll be done soon so I'll have another teaser to post for that soon enough
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