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MysticXcore: wtf... I was not expecting some gay shit on here lmfao I'm traumatized now
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Tuputasher: What
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Sasanid: @MysticXcore: Wait, so on this site you can see bestiality, necrophilia and lolicon/toddlercon, but you're traumatized by 'gay shit' ? I think you should review your priorities man LOL
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mecalise: @Sasanid: those are all respectable. gay shit is gay bruh
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CPTSICKO: @Sasanid
are you aware that over 95% of the population is not gay and gay porn is at best disgusting for these 95+%
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damnedfurry: @MysticXcore you're kinda stupid, huh?

@CPTSICKO what kind of dumbass argument is this? "bestiality, necrophilia and lolicon/toddlercon" is "at best disgusting" for a MUCH larger chunk of the population than gay stuff. Imagine being so much of a degenerate that shit like that is more normalized to you than 'two dudes' lmao. Go outside.
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CPTSICKO: because a fetish has nothing to do with the sexual orientation.
most homosexuals are ped0s
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sexualenergy: based comments
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xu: Not what I was looking for but the comments are crazy